Searching for "The Soul of the Outdoors": Q&A with David Greschner on His Debut Book

Dan Lyksett

Rice Lake writer Dave Greschner, who recently introduced his acclaimed first book, Soul of the Outdoors, will host a book talk on Thursday, Feb. 1, at 6:15 p.m. at Dotters Books, 307 S. Barstow St., Eau Claire.

Soul of the Outdoors is a new addition to The Back Home Series published by UW-Stevens Point’s Cornerstone Press and is a collection of Greschner’s updated columns from his newspaper career and newer work.

Greschner agreed to answer a few questions in advance of his reading.

 Dan Lyksett: You are writing about land and all it contains that you’ve been traversing since childhood. How does that lifetime perspective impact what you discover and reflect on?

David Greschner

David Greschner: There has come over the years a realization of how the land I grew up on and the places I have enjoyed since led to my appreciation of nature and wildlife. Discoveries of childhood—squirrel nests, pollywog eggs, a honey bee hive in winter—fuel an intense fire in me to enjoy such discoveries again, now with more knowledge of what I’m seeing and experiencing while revisiting those carefree days. I like to think of the land as a friend, a sanctuary, I can visit for peace of mind, and a place where nature and wildlife flourish if we are stewards of the land.

 DL: Some of your essays deal with the experience of performing specific tasks, like cutting firewood, but sometimes you go into nature to just “practice seeing.” Do you notice a difference between the two in what you end up putting on paper?

There are times I go outside, to the woods or to the water, to simply ‘see,’ with no expectation of what I’m going to see or experience. It’s like, ‘Surprise me!’
— David Greschner

DG: No, I don’t see a difference, because I never know where the next story may surface. There are times I go outside, to the woods or to the water, to simply “see,” with no expectation of what I’m going to see or experience. It’s like, “Surprise me!” But it’s really no different than when I’m cutting firewood, mending a fence, removing buckthorn, etc. I keep my eyes open, my hopes expectant. My tasks are not urgent, and so they are often pleasantly interrupted by the discovery of an orb weaver spider’s web, the den of a fox or badger, or colorful hepatica leaves beneath the snow in the dead of winter.

 DL: You refer to a diverse collection of writers and thinkers throughout the book, ranging from Emily Dickenson to Jackson Browne. If you could share a hot chocolate around a campfire with any one of them, who would it be and why?

DL: The proper answer from the names that show up in the book would be Annie Dillard. It was her book, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, that has influenced how I look at nature and how I write about it. However, I’m going to go with Jackson Browne for the campfire (and perhaps he would play a song or two!). Readers and reviewers refer to “lyrical poetry” in my writings. I do not work at the poetry that crops up, instead, I think it’s something that is in my subconscious from years of enjoying music and studying song verses. I think that the most influential poets of my lifetime have been songwriters, from Browne to Kristofferson, Dylan to Willie. I always hear descriptive song verses going through my mind, such as from the Beach Boys—I hear the sound of a gentle word on the wind that lifts her perfume through the air—or Al Stewart—She comes out of the sun in a silk dress running like a water color in the rain. These songs aren’t about nature, but the words have the flow and description all writers strive for. Browne says his songwriting has to be about the listener because the song’s details, even if about his experiences, are somewhat universal. Of his song “These Days,” he talks about the gravity the song can hold. I would hope my writing has a measure of gravity for the reader.

DL: How much of where your essays lead are thoughts that occur to you in the moment of experience as opposed to what you discover later while writing?

DG: It comes from both the moment and later when putting thoughts on paper. My writing method, even in my newspaper days, has normally been to let the story simmer a bit in my thoughts. I often take notes when I’m outdoors, but not always. What is constant is that the thoughts, sentences, and direction of the story are forming mentally in the “moment of experience.” I find that what has been etched in my mind, sometimes subconsciously, on a hike or other outdoors activity, resurfaces later proportionate to the strength of that imprint on my emotions.

 DL: You mention some traditional “outdoor writer” topics like hunting and fishing but never in the context of a harvest or a how-to. Is that intentional or just your natural bent? Does that relate to the title, “Soul of the Outdoors?” this point in my life, even while hunting, I will often choose not to pursue or kill, but simply watch. Perhaps ‘soul,’ in part, derives from how an outdoors experience plays out, including in hunting, on an emotional, somewhat spiritual, basis.  
— David Greschner

DG: It is rather intentional as I respect the readers who are not hunters and may have strong feelings regarding that. But I don’t hide the fact that I do hunt, and believe in the biology of hunting while at the same time having a reverence for all wildlife. I feel no need to go into the details of the outcome of the hunt. Instead, I prefer to describe what I and other hunters experience in nature when we spend hour after quiet hour in the woodlands and fields. Further, at this point in my life, even while hunting, I will often choose not to pursue or kill, but simply watch. Perhaps “soul,” in part, derives from how an outdoors experience plays out, including in hunting, on an emotional, somewhat spiritual, basis.     

DL: You shy away from anthropomorphizing the critters you encounter, but you don’t shy away from trying to consider what they may be perceiving at the time. Is it difficult to balance those two approaches?

 DG: Yes, I do shy away from assigning human traits and intentions to animals, mostly for the animal’s sake because I don’t want to burden them with something that may seem to subtract from their innocence and natural instincts. When I walked up on a deer in the wild this summer, it appeared calm and showed little fear of me. I didn’t take this as a human trait of the deer being a friendly animal wanting to meet me. I think that the deer somehow knew I meant no harm, and that we just happened to be sharing the same trail. I didn’t try to determine what human trait the deer was displaying because it was a wild animal, no matter what. Instead I wondered how the deer perceived me.

DL: The book’s illustrations look like exquisite woodcuts but are derived from your own photographs. What was the process and where did the idea come from?

DG: I did not want the books to have photos, per se, but instead black and white graphics of a line art nature. I enjoy photography, and have always veered to the power of black and white photos, going back to my darkroom days. For the book, I found photos—most of them color photos—that connected with the writings, many of them actually taken when I was experiencing what I wrote about. I selected the photos that would lend themselves to black and white—those that had plenty of blank spots and were not “busy”—and removed the color. At that point I added contrast and posterization to get the black and white graphic I wanted. All photos in the book are mine, except for the “author photos,” which my wife, Cathy, took, and the photo leading off the first chapter, of me sitting by a snowman with a country school in the background. Incredibly, that photo was taken by my mother, with a box camera in 1957.

DL: What do you hope readers take away from your book?

DG: I’d like to think that readers will think about how our interaction with nature and our experiences outdoors have a positive effect on our daily emotions and well-being; nature can awe and calm at the same. Several readers have said the book has inspired them to make a conscious effort to become more involved with the outdoors, as in hiking or simply something like birdwatching. For those who have physical limitations, I hope the book provides a vehicle to tag along with me on the experiences I have and describe—I hear this “tag along” comment often. My hope is that some of the book’s essays reveals and ponders nature’s wonders and mysteries, while providing a variety of stories, including about rural life, that is entertaining and resonates with many readers’ own experiences.


Gen Z Might Just Save Reading As We Know It

Laura Carew

I’ve had a book under my arm since I could walk. I still swear that my sister taught me to read, and that my mother is the reason my heart skips a beat when I walk past a bookstore. I never noticed how lonely the act of reading could be until I got to high school. English class was the least sought after, and classmates opted to watch a film adaptation rather than read the book itself. As I made my way through college, the landscape of reading changed again. People who once scoffed at my admiration for literature now host a library within their bedrooms. Other avid readers have lost their passion for cracking open a book. I look around and realize that as a nation, we’re witnessing a reading renaissance—now it’s up to us to redefine what reading truly means.

Over the last ten years, the perpetual growth of social media platforms has fundamentally changed the ways we interact with books. Within spaces like YouTube and TikTok, bookish “corners” exist on the internet for readers to congregate and find community amongst fellow readers, no matter where they may be across the planet.

While BookTube (YouTube’s corner for books) truly began in 2013 and continues to flourish today, BookTok (TikTok’s answer for literary content) has grown exponentially since the pandemic of 2020, giving us the large faction of readers on TikTok that continues to get larger, one video at a time.

Centered around creating a space for readers to share their favorite books, praise their favorite authors, or find recommendations for new books, BookTok offers a wide range of content to enjoy.

This phenomenon has even come home to the Chippewa Valley, felt especially by Margaret Leonard, co-founder and owner of Dotters Books.

I think that people have genuinely found community on social media. I’m so mystified by it, but I think it’s really genuine for some people to go online and talk about books that way. I want to believe that this is the hopeful way forward.
— Margaret Leonard

“I think that people have genuinely found community on social media,” she says. “I’m so mystified by it, but I think it’s really genuine for some people to go online and talk about books that way. I want to believe that this is the hopeful way forward.”

The rise of literary social media began in the COVID-19 era. As libraries and bookstores shuttered their doors, millions of people found ways to combat cabin fever and isolation through alternative ways to enjoy reading.

For several years following a peak of 778 million print books sold in 2008, US book sales don’t see a significant increase again until 2020, growing once more to 843 million copies sold in 2021, per this Words Rated article. With BookTok emerging during the height of the pandemic, readership in the US grew exponentially, and has remained at staggering heights.

As the way we engage with books has changed, so, too, has the identity attached to it. In the 21st century, reading looks more different than ever.  

Leonie (who goes by The Book Leo) is a prominent BookTuber and TikTok enthusiast who took it upon herself in a video essay to discuss her experience on BookTok and how she sees this online forum as both a benefit and hindrance to readership.

In her video, she opens up a wider discussion about the intersection of a hobby that requires little to no internet use, and a platform that fundamentally lives and breathes in technology.

Finding people who identify as readers, or who openly say that they read, is more difficult than finding people who, say, watch movies.
— Leonie (The Book Leo)

“Finding people who identify as readers, or who openly say that they read, is more difficult than finding people who, say, watch movies,” Leonie shares. “An online community like BookTok offers this sense of belonging.”

The difficulty of finding friendships as a reader is something that many young people have faced during the 21st century with the rise of technology, where hobbies like video games and movie-watching have perhaps overtaken reading.

Not only is reading a traditionally solitary activity, but it attracts predominantly introverted individuals. When readers want to share their love for a book they’ve just read, who can they talk to, if no one in their physical environment also identifies as a reader? Where can they go?

BookTok fills this void for so many readers. With millions of videos tagged #BookTok—some from right here in Eau Claire—people can find their corner of the internet where readers of all authors and genres coexist, creating a unified front within a solitary hobby, unlike anything we’ve seen before.

While finding a sense of belonging is undoubtedly a great benefit of BookTok, we cannot ignore the potential pitfalls that involve readership entering the social media arena.  

Barry Pierce—a former BookTuber himself—wrote an article for GQ that reflected on the uses of BookTok, ultimately calling it a “shallow world,” and asking if, given the time it takes to curate their videos, “any [BookTok creators] have the time to read.”

Pierce shares a valid criticism. Many videos under the hashtag #BookTok feature beautiful bookshelves sprawling massive rooms, and colorful spines peer out for the viewer to feast their eyes upon. An alarming number of videos will also feature the creator admitting that they haven’t actually read most of the books on their shelves—some, none at all.

The romanticization of reading has existed for decades. But Pierce poses an important question to young readers: has owning books, thus sounding more “intellectual” than one’s peers, overcome the appeal of actually reading?

Has identifying as a reader turned into a lifestyle aesthetic rather than a hobby for people to enjoy? Dotter’s Margaret Leonard feels similarly.

“Books are beautiful, and they’re getting more and more beautiful,” she says. “If we think that that’s not because of social media, we’re wrong. There’s definitely a certain level of aesthetic that’s necessary to [BookTok].”

As much as we hear the age-old rule of not judging a book by its cover, we can’t help it.
— Laura Carew

As much as we hear the age-old rule of not judging a book by its cover, we can’t help it. Book covers are the first thing that engage a potential reader, so it makes perfect sense that content creators on BookTok attach to that engagement by sharing the gorgeous covers of books they own, whether they’ve read them or not.

This effect is a direct result of United States consumerism, which includes a rise in materialism surrounding books. As a reader, I’ve got plenty of books on my shelf that I haven’t read yet. But as countless videos show on BookTok, some readers have shelves boasting hundreds of unread books. So what’s the point of having them? Is it a trophy case? A boast of wealth?

“As a bookseller,” Leonard continues, “there’s a real disconnect there. Am I selling books to people who want to take pretty pictures of them? Or am I selling books to people who want to read them and learn?”

Countless debates have occurred over the last fifteen years that denote reading as a “dying art,” but what’s getting in our way from celebrating an unmistakable uptick in book sales and readership nationwide? And who’s leading the charge? The 25-and-under demographic, better known as Gen Z.

 As a member of Gen Z myself, I have long witnessed my peers lose their passion for reading, one new technological advance at a time. It was mystifying as a kid who’d grown up on books. But now, we are witnessing the intersection of two contradicting entities—literature and the online world.

 Due to the exposure that books get through social media, BookTok has become a necessary outlet for recommending contemporary titles by diverse voices, working to subvert the white-dominant culture of the publishing world.

 “[The goal and intention of Dotters] was to highlight traditionally marginalized voices,” Leonard says. “I feel like so often people are left out of those conversations [who] shouldn’t be. As a reader, I want to hear from the people who haven’t been amplified. I want to go outside my own experience.”

 Thanks to the charming shop that brims with books of the popular and unheard-of variety, Dotters has been a space for readers to explore outside their own lived experiences since 2018, when the shop opened at its first location on Hogeboom Avenue.

 With books like these at young readers’ disposal in Eau Claire, it’s not hard to see how Gen Z is at the front of this changing readership culture. Books of all kinds are becoming more and more accessible thanks to places like Dotters and social media, inspiring young people all over the country—and right here at home—to crack open a book again.

 “Through [the lockdown in 2020] social media was our sole way to communicate with people,” Leonard reflects. “I do think that [the pandemic] created this space for people to read and spend time with books in a way that they hadn’t been able to before…we’re seeing people prioritize keeping that as part of their world now.”

 Leonard’s sentiment is proven over and over with each recent year of record-setting book sales. Through social media, reading has come upon a brand new wave of popularity, proving that it is anything but a dying art.  

It might feel counterintuitive that technology so closely aligns with the modern reader. But the world is always evolving, as is our relationship with literature. A love for reading among young people is returning in droves, so why criticize how someone chooses to enjoy an age-old hobby? Nothing can whisk readers away from their reality quite like a book. With our phones in our left hands and a book in our right, Gen Z is saving—and redefining—literature as we know it.

Finding Joy This Holiday Season: A Sneak Peek of Sound & Stories presents, “Joy To The Word”

Chaya Gritton

Have you ever wanted to attend an event that brings music and storytelling together? Well, then look no further! The Chippewa Writers Guild is hosting a fun-filled event called “Joy to the Word” at the Pablo Center, on December 14th, at 7PM.  The event features storytellers John Hildebrand, Elan Mccallum, Bonni Knight, Dalton Hessel, and is hosted by Chippewa Valley Writers Guild director, B.J. Hollars. “Joy to the Word is one of our favorite events of the year,” Hollars says.  “Few things bring people together more than music and stories in a beautiful venue during the holiday season.”

Indeed, “Joy to the Word” has become an annual tradition, a chance for regional storytellers to share their best holiday stories alongside music by the U.K.E Klub—a talented group of singers and ukulele players who’ve brought their joyful music to the event for years. December’s the perfect time to cozy up inside with this event that staves off the cold and brings with it a bit of winter cheer. Be sure to snag your tickets here!

Keep reading to learn about the amazing writers participating in the event.

John Hildebrand

John Hildebrand is the author of several books, most recently “Long Way Round: Through the Heartland By River” and “The Heart of Things: A Midwestern Almanac”. He also has articles and essays that have appeared in Harper’s magazine, Audubon, Sports Illustrated, Outside, The Best American Sports Writing- 1999, and The Missouri Review. Not only is he an established writer, but he has been awarded a Minnesota Book Award, a Banta Award from the Wisconsin Library Association, a Bush Fellowship, a Wisconsin Arts Board Fellowship, and a Friends of American Libraries Award. In this event, he’ll be sharing a reading from his spectacular book The Heart of Things. Be sure to check to check it out!

Bonni Knight

            Bonni Knight’s work has been featured in Volume One, the Volume One Podcast series, Snapshots: Eau Claire Life in Pictures, Stories and Sounds, the Eau Claire Leader-Telegram, as well as in appearance at The Lakely, the Lazy Monk, and the V1 Gallery. When she’s not storytelling, she’s also a speech coach and a retired French teacher. The story she will be sharing is called “No Room at The Inn”, an intriguing tale about how a blizzard brings total strangers together.  A longtime fan of the Sound & Stories series, Bonnie remarks, “From a storyteller's perspective, it's an honor to have an opportunity to share my stories with people.  From an audience member's point of view, it's so great to see the work my neighbors are doing with the craft of storytelling.”

Elan Mccallum

            If you’re a fan of David Bowie, you’ll really enjoy the story Elan Mccallum has prepared to tell at the event! She brings us into her past, illustrating a special father-daughter connection that started with a David Bowie CD at Christmas. Elan Mccallum is a Filipina-American writer whose work has been published in Barstow & Grand. She has also collaborated with E Dance Company and Dotters Books, and she has read her work in the Chippewa Valley's Sound and Stories Series, the Snapshot Series, the River Prairie Cultural Festival, and the River Prairie Festival Celebration of Art.

Dalton Hessel

Dalton Hessel is a second-grade teacher in Hayward, Wisconsin. He graduated from UWEC in the winter of 2018. You might recognize him as the iconic Buddy the Elf, who appeared on campus during finals week every year. When he’s not teaching, he loves staying busy with photography, videography, podcasting and writing. He has a company called The Northern Nerd and hosts various community events throughout the year. If you ever find yourself in the Hayward area, he’s probably walking the streets or covering an event. Some joyful news is that he and his wife welcomed their first child, Amelia, into the world this year and he's been enjoying dad life. If you want to no more about his life as Buddy the Elf, be sure to check out the event!

B.J Hollars

Finally, as part of his hosting duties, B.J Hollars will also share a story about the great Halloween blizzard of 1991! B.J. Hollars is the author of several books, including Year of Plenty and Wisconsin for Kennedy, both forthcoming this spring. He is a writer, professor, and a burgeoning documentarian. He is the director of the Chippewa Valley Writers Guild and founder of the Midwest Artist Academy. 


Telling Our Region's Stories--Together

Since 2016, the Chippewa Valley Writers Guild has provided robust programming for writers and literary lovers throughout the Midwest.  We’ve hosted over 25 writers' retreats, a hundred free craft talks, a few dozen Sound & Stories events, supported the publication of 7 issues of our literary magazine Barstow & Grand, mentored over 30 college interns, wrote and co-produced a pair of radio dramas, started the Writers’ Note podcast, founded Wisconsin’s Hope Is The Thing Covid-19 writing project, published hundreds of writers on our website, and so much more.  In all, we’re proud to have provided free and low-cost programming to hundreds—if not 1000s!—of writers throughout the region.

Two weeks ago, we had the pleasure of hosting a virtual talk with Chloé Cooper Jones (a 2023 Pulitzer Prize finalist for memoir writing), last week we released the latest issue of Barstow & Grand (congrats to editor Eric Rasmussen and the editorial team!), in a few weeks we’ll perform our annual Joy to the Word event (featuring music from The UKE Klub!) at Pablo Center at the Confluence, and in January, we’re hosting a winter writer’s retreat featuring young adult author Nicole Kronzer at The Oxbow Hotel. 


Your generosity ensures that writers of all economic incomes can continue to work toward telling our region’s stories. 
— BJ Hollars

How do we manage to offer such inclusive programming at little to no cost to members?  The answer is twofold.  First, thanks to our incredible partners, including L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, UW-Eau Claire Foundation, Pablo Center at the Confluence, The Oxbow Hotel, and Forage.  But the second reason for our success all comes down to you.  Your generosity ensures that writers of all economic incomes can continue to work toward telling our region's stories. 

Here in the Chippewa Valley, it’s easy to forget how fortunate we are when it comes to the literary arts.  We are home to the illustrious Chippewa Valley Book Festival (of which we are a sponsor), regular library programming, and of course, the Guild itself.  But even beyond our region, our literary community is well known.  At the state level, the CVWG is a proud sponsor and supporter of the Wisconsin Writers Association and the Wisconsin Poet Laureate Commission.  Over the past seven years, we’ve helped put the Chippewa Valley on the literary map.  And with your support, we can continue the good work ahead.

Please continue donating at the amount that’s right for you.

Be inspired, inspire others, 

B.J. Hollars  

Highlighting Literary Wonders: A Sneak Peek into Chloé Cooper Jones’s Easy Beauty

credit: Matty Davis

Chaya Gritton

Of all the books out there, memoirs impress me most. They have the ability to grab you by the shirt and pull you into their world. Chloé Cooper Jones is a writer who does just that with her debut book Easy Beauty. The first line of her book captivates you instantly,: “I am in a bar in Brooklyn, listening to two men, my friends, discuss whether my life is worth living.” I was barely a sentence deep, but I was hooked. Easy Beauty explores growing up with a disability in a world with unrealistic beauty standards and one where things that she has experienced are taboo to talk about. However, she subverts these myths in her memoir. She recounts how she’s navigated the world with a disability in the midst of toxic beauty standards. 

The book has received rave reviews, including from the author of Call Me By Your Name, André Aciman. "Easy Beauty  is bold, honest, and superbly well-written,” Aciman wrote.  “Chloé Cooper Jones is ruthless in probing our weakest and darkest areas, and does so with grace, humor, and ultimately, with something one seldom finds: kindness and humanity". It’s hard not to be mesmerized by her book.  

In support of her memoir, Cooper Jones was the recipient of two grants, the 2020 Whiting Creative Nonfiction Grant and the 2021 Howard Foundation Grant.  Beyond these accolades, Cooper Jones has also published notable works including a piece titled "Fearing For His Life", which was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for freelance reporting. In the article, she wrote about the person who recorded Eric Garner’s death, Ramsey Orta. Garner was killed by the NYPD and the Orta was the person who witnessed his friend get killed by the police and exposed the truth. Jones highlighted his story and helped spread his voice, and not letting Garner be forgotten.  Additionally, she’s also a contributing writer to the New York Times.  

If you want to learn more about writing a memoir from Jones and get more insight into her memoir Easy Beauty, be sure to check out our virtual event Thursday, November 9th, at 6 pm. You can register on the Chippewa Valley Writers Guild website here


Writer Spotlight: Christy Wopat

credit: Christa Bruhn

Chaya Gritton

For the past 75 years, the Wisconsin Writers Association (WWA) has diligently supported writers and authors throughout the state. And this year, it’s honoring one of its own.  Christy Wopat—WWA’s event committee chair, an elementary school teacher, as well as the author of the award-winning book Almost a Mother: Love, Loss, and Finding Your People When Your Baby Dies, among otherswas recently awarded the prestigious Fidelia Van Antwerp Award for Outstanding Service.  Over the past 75 years, this award has only been awarded a handful of times—making it all the more special for Christy.  

Following the conclusion of the WWA’s Fall Conference, where Christy received the award, I was able to have a chat with her over the phone to learn more about the work she does for the state’s writing community.  

Chaya Gritton: Can you describe what the Fidelia Van Antwerp Award for Outstanding Service is?  

Christy Wopat: Well, I didn’t even know it existed until a few weeks ago. But basically, Fidelia Van Antwerp was the very first president of the WWA. The WWA just celebrated their seventy-fifth anniversary this year and for the past three years, I’ve been the chair of the events committee for WWA. Barry [Wightman], the current president of WWA, put me in charge of planning this giant conference to celebrate the anniversary. In addition, I started during COVID, and I got our events switched to online, where we did Zoom events and conferences. The board really wanted to recognize me for all the work I did the last three really strange years, plus this conference. 

CG: It sounds like you did a lot of event planning.  Can you go into a little more detail on the type of events that you would normally help plan?  

CW: In June of 2020, so right in the thick of the pandemic, I was home. I couldn’t do anything or go anywhere. I went to an open mic on Zoom for WWA, and they said, ‘Hey if anybody wants to volunteer, reach out’. I did and Barry Wightman, the president, called me and said, ‘How do you want to help?’ I said, ‘Well I can tell you the things I’m good at. I’m a teacher and I can run a committee.’ He said they really need an events committee because they only put one event on a year, and they wanted more... Ever since then, practically every single month, we’ve had some sort of Zoom event for our members that’s free of charge. It’s usually on the craft of writing, but sometimes it’s an open mic and sometimes it’s just a social. We’ve even had some events on the business of writing. It’s exciting because we’ve seen our membership grow a lot because of those events, and now we’re doing critique groups and a lot of other new things that will help grow membership even more.   

CG: Can you tell me a little about yourself outside of volunteering at WWA?  

CW: Sure, I’m an elementary school teacher and I teach fourth grade. I have a husband and two kids, and I live in Holmen Wisconsin. I’m a writer, I like to blog, and I have three books out. Like most writers I love to read, I love to write, and I love to buy books even though I have way more at my house than I could ever read... One of the things that I love about my whole hobby of writing is the community. That’s why I love WWA. There are groups out there that really want writers to feel like they belong and that they are not at all exclusive. They are just so welcoming. Chippewa Valley Writers Guild is like that, WWA is like that. Even when I was just first starting to write, I still felt like I was a part of it and accepted.  

CG: What are your goals for the future with writing and the WWA?  

CW: With writing I am trying to break into the children’s literature world, but my book has been on submission for a while now and hasn’t sold. My goal is to finally get something that sells. My other books are through an indie publisher, and that was a great experience. But with children’s literature, it’s tougher to get books into people’s hands because kids can’t buy them themselves...  For WWA I tried to retire from the events committee, but I have a feeling that I’m being sucked right back in. Last weekend after the conference I just felt this huge sense of accomplishment thinking about all the writers that attended.   

For more on Christy and her work, check out her website.    


750 Words: How My Daily Writing Goal Led Me To My Novel

Grace Wojkiewicz-Wielgus

I remember hearing that writing is a like muscle. I always took that to mean that, like strengthening your body, you need to keep working on your writing for it to improve. The more I thought about it, the more questions I had. Maybe the more you write, the easier it gets? If I don’t use it, will I lose it? Will there come a time where my writing will come to a stop? Do I have a timeline? For years, I worried. Even with that fear haunting my thoughts around writing, the motivation that I’d hoped to stumble upon had so often left me wanting, adding to the cyclical fear that I was going to lose something I wasn’t sure I’d ever had in the first place.

 After graduating from UW-Eau Claire, I told myself now was the time to continue the novel I had swirling around my brain. Shortly after I started working my first full-time job, and I felt like I couldn’t spare the time. A few months later I was lucky to unplug and disconnect at the Chippewa Valley Writers Guild’s The Priory Writers Retreat, where, surrounded by so many friendly faces, I found time to continue what I had started. I had set a goal to write for ten minutes a day. Unfortunately, that only lasted a few weeks. I stopped writing again.

 A few months later, my boyfriend and I made the decision to move from Eau Claire to Illinois, to help him pursue a different career. I quit my job and gave myself time to figure out what my next steps should be. After taking some time to visit our families back in Wisconsin and then beginning to apply for jobs but having no luck, it felt like nothing was sticking. My boyfriend, and only friend in this new town, was working twelve-hour days, so I was often home alone, cycling between job applications, Netflix, and reading. I felt isolated and lost.

 Finally, I hit my breaking point. I wish I could remember what specifically motivated me that day, but I only remember the emotions behind it. If I couldn’t prioritize my writing at that point, when was I going to be able to? I started to do research into different writing methods that had worked for others and stumbled across the website 750Words. It was a place to log in and write 750 words daily, which they claim equals out to about three pages. I remember thinking, there’s no way I can write that much every single day? As someone who wasn’t writing, how was I supposed to commit to that? I researched more but couldn’t find anything that resonated with me like that did. I signed up and wrote my first entry.

I started off journaling. I wrote about finding the website, how I was feeling, everything. It took some time, but the 750 words came. I was surprised at how much I wanted to keep going.
— Grace Wojkiewicz-Wielgus

 I started off journaling. I wrote about finding the website, how I was feeling, everything. It took some time, but the 750 words came. I was surprised at how much I wanted to keep going. There was less pressure because once midnight hit, the page was locked, so I couldn’t go in and change what I had written. I wish I could say that I immediately picked up the habit, but I had a few misses in the first few weeks. My streak would go away, and I would feel defeated at starting over. Still, I was determined to make a new habit that was purely for what I love. I tried again, over and over. Sure, I may have needed to switch the time zone to Hawaiian time to work with my night owl tendencies of writing past midnight, and some days I just recited what I did during the day like a list, but I kept going. I ranted about my life, I mentioned politics, I cursed, I planned lofty goals that haven’t happened and probably never will. On especially hard days, I prefaced my entry by saying I was going to write without stopping and anything that came out was staying.

 But I kept going.

 A few weeks ago, I hit a full year of daily writing. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s something I’ve heard many times before but have struggled to take to heart. A lot of days, after writing my 750 words, I’ve felt inspired to write more. I truly believe that it has gotten easier to convince myself to carve out time. The thing I don’t hear talked about often enough is that it isn’t always that easy. There are times I itch to start writing because I have so much to say, but there are also entries where I’m falling asleep at my keyboard, chicken-pecking away just to get to the count. Since picking up the habit, I’ve also pushed myself to also use NaNoWriMo to write the novel I’ve always wanted, as well as other pieces. I don’t think any of that could’ve been possible if I didn’t prove to myself that I can take that time each day.

It doesn’t always feel easy, but it feels easier most days. And that’s enough to keep me going.

Core Training To Run A Parenting Marathon: Discussing The New Book By Dana Parisi

Stephanie Nesja

Parenting is a rewarding, yet daunting, part of life. Challenges will always come and go, but learning the steps and how-tos to navigate through different storms is a must.

Local author and certified Parent Coach and Educational Trainer Dana Parisi penned her debut book—already an international bestseller on Amazon—Parenting Marathon: The 10-Step Guide to Navigate Parenting Challenges, to provide parents and caregivers crucial steps to take during some of the most difficult seasons of parenting. Parisi uses running as a metaphor to compare marathon running to parenting. She defines a “parenting marathon” as a “challenging and prolonged season of parenting that requires perseverance, strength, perspective, and skills” as well as an “opportunity for growth” for both the parent and the child. She walks (or should I say “runs”?) her readers through her own personal experiences and struggles as a marathon runner, while comparing her own progress and struggles of parenting her own four children.

Parisi’s four children—two biological, two adopted—inspired her desire to write Parenting Marathon as she learned (and continues to learn) to navigate each of her children’s unique personalities and struggles with ADHD, trauma, anger, aggression, and over-stimulation. Feeling alone like many parents often do, Parisi was tired of feeling stressed, frustrated, hopeless, and discouraged, so she and her husband hired a parent coach when they felt they ran out of options, even though it was difficult to admit they needed help. “It was humbling to recognize that I needed more tools in my parenting toolbox,” Parisi said. After success with her parent coach and recognizing she wasn’t truly alone in her own marathon, Parisi decided to earn her own certification, which eventually led to writing her book.

Parenting Marathon isn’t another typical self-help parenting book, nor is it a quick fix.

Parenting Marathon isn’t another typical self-help parenting book, nor is it a quick fix. Written for caregivers and parents of all kinds, including single, foster, adoptive, step, and biological. Parisi describes her book as a guide for readers to lean into while on their own parenting journey. Parisi hopes her own stories and parenting mistakes will help readers feel they’re not alone, but rather they will “feel equipped to keep persevering in their specific challenge.” The book provides a way to look deeper into the issues at hand to create real results by providing different techniques which require dedication and persistence as part of the marathon training.

Parisi equips readers with 10 steps, beginning with defining and setting goals and ending with beginning the marathon. During each step, Parisi includes a “Your Turn” section with thought-provoking questions and personal application to allow readers the opportunity to stretch their minds and reflect on their personal goals and journey, as well as provide a way to hold themselves accountable and be intentional in reaching these goals beginning with even just “one thing they can do differently” as a parent, Parisi said. A recap is also included with a brief chapter summary, as well as an inspirational quote. A free downloadable PDF is also available with the questions to use like a workbook. Parisi hopes readers will utilize these tools to help care for themselves by learning how to show up for their children to help both the children and parents succeed, while not feeling alone in the process. “I hope that readers feel seen,” Parisi said. 

Make sure to run on over to the Altoona Public Library on Monday, October 30 at 6:30pm to learn more about Parenting Marathon and to attend Dana Parisi’s book signing and reading! Copies will be available for purchase for $16.95. Parenting Marathon is also available at Jacob’s Well Church Resource Center in Eau Claire, as well as on Amazon in both paperback and eBook formats. Visit Parisi’s website for more information about her book and to learn more about parent coaching through Lives Touched Coaching, LLC.

Chaya's Top Three Chippewa Valley Book Festival Picks

 Chaya Gritton

There’s nothing I love more than curling up with a good book and a fuzzy blanket. To me, reading is a breath of fresh air away from the real world. There are so many genres of books that it’s hard for me to choose one favorite, but I tend to gravitate toward fantasy, historical fiction, and adventure.

Every year the Chippewa Valley Book Festival hosts an inspiring week jam-packed with literary events., which cover a wide array of genres. This festival is a great chance for writers and book lovers alike to learn the behind-the-scenes stories of these books by the authors who wrote them. Keep reading for my three top picks for this year’s festival!

When Memory Becomes History: Mourning and Remembrance in Writing with Nghi Vo

This event will take place in the Riverview room at the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library from 6 to 7 p.m. on October 13th. Vo will dive into the concepts of history and personal narrative, and explore how these concepts influence each other.

This event instantly piqued my interest, the title alone pulls you in straight away. Vo is a writer that I personally look up to. Her writing just takes you to another dimension. One thing that stands out in this event is that she touches on the concept of power and how one uses this to choose what stories to write.

Vo has won the Crawford Award and the Hugo Award. She focuses on writing fantasy, science fiction, and horror.

The Craft of Writing Lives- Our Own and Others with Melissa Faliveno

Excitingly this is Melissa Faliveno’s debut essay collection Tomboy Land. It will take place on October 14th from 1 to 2 p.m., at the Riverview Room in the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library. If you’re interested in learning about the process of how to write about personal experiences, you should check it out. She’ll plunge into her own process.

Her work has been highlighted in many major publications such as Oprah magazine and NPR. It has gained a lot of attention for her queer narrative. She’s an editor, writer, and a teacher. Through the essays, she explores her childhood in Wisconsin and what it’s like to grow up in the Midwest.

I’m always interested in learning about regional authors and am curious to learn more about her life and writing process.

Brotherless Night: Political Fiction of the Recent Past with V.V Ganeshananthan

Ganeshananthan explores the importance of research for a book even if it’s not non-fiction. This event is a great opportunity to learn about historical fiction writing. She draws examples from her book Brotherless Night. You can find this event at the University of Wisconsin Stout in Harvey Hall Theatre, October 16th from 4:30 to 5:30pm.

Ganeshananthan has works that can be found in established locations such as The New York Times and The Best Nonrequired American Reading. She currently teaches at the MFA program at the University of Minnesota.

 I am a huge fan of historical fiction, and this event is a great opportunity for future writers to get a lot out of this event. Historical fiction especially surrounding research can be challenging, but Ganeshananthan’s introduction will be a great first step.

All three of these events will take place in person and virtually.

For more information, visit the Chippewa Valley Book Festival website.  

Author Spotlight: A Chat With Novelist Darci Schummer

Laura Carew

Here at the Guild, we love finding success stories from fellow writers hailing from the Chippewa Valley. Darci Schummer, novelist and assistant professor at Colorado State University, is thriving more than ever with her most recent book, The Ballad of Two Sisters. Released in August this year, this book follows a story about Stella and Helen, two sisters who die on the same day.  

I had the pleasure of hopping on the phone with this UW-Eau Claire alum to get the inside scoop on The Ballad of Two Sisters, the Midwest’s literary merit, and her relationship with the publishing world.

Laura Carew: First off, I wanted to extend my own congratulations on your newest book, which came out in August of this year, The Ballad of Two Sisters

Darci Schummer: Thank you.

LC: For our readers who might be largely unfamiliar with your book, would you mind giving a brief look into what it’s all about? What did you mean for readers to take from (the book)? What’s at the heart of this story?

DS: For me, the heart of the story is really the relationship between two sisters over time, and how it changes and flows when people go in and out of their lives. I just wanted to get at that relationship and how special and important that relationship between sisters can be and how strong the bond can be between two sisters. I also think it’s a lot about loneliness and, you know, striving for things and not getting them. Or about what happens when things don’t really turn out the way that you thought they would.


LC: I’m always curious to hear about where writers get their ideas from. Do you find yourself drawing from personal experience? What’s your creative process, if you’re willing to share?

DS: It can be a lot of different things. In this book, for instance, the two main characters are named after my great-aunts. The novel begins with the sisters having passed away. My aunts died within 24 hours of each other, and I didn’t really know them, but the fact that they lived together for a very long time and then they passed away so close to one another was really interesting, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. That’s really where the kernel for this novel came from. It’s fiction, so these people are invented, but that first inkling of telling this story was inspired by that event. I would say, as a whole, most of what I write is purely fictional, and every once in a while something happens to me that I will use in a story.

Sometimes it could be something like a piece of dialogue that I overhear when I’m going about my day, or something I witness, and then sometimes it could be a news story or something like that, that I just can’t stop thinking about, so then I’ll build the story around it.
— Darci Schummer

I wrote a short story a while ago that has to do with a woman who is living on an island that’s shrinking, and she’s a widow who doesn’t want to leave her house. The beginning of that came from a news story that I heard; it was about an island in the British Isles. This island was eroding and disintegrating, and again, that image of this island falling apart, you know, I couldn’t let go of it. So that turned into the story. Sometimes it could be something like a piece of dialogue that I overhear when I’m going about my day, or something I witness, and then sometimes it could be a news story or something like that, that I just can’t stop thinking about, so then I’ll build the story around it.


LC: I’m also drawn to your connection to the Midwest, and as a young aspiring author in the Midwest, I’m curious to hear about how you feel yourself fitting into the publishing world. Do you find your history in the Midwest to have any impact on anything that you experience within that space?

DS: That’s a good question, and to be honest with you, I don’t really know. I would say—not to be overly harsh—I do think that the Midwest gets snubbed sometimes by the publishing industry at large. I feel like people refer to it as “flyover country” and if you think about how many films or books are set in places like New York City versus Wisconsin, there’s no contest. But even though I lived in Minnesota for a long time, and now I’m in Colorado for work…Wisconsin is my home, it will always be my home. I think that it’s a place that is very rich with beautiful, natural details that can be the backdrop for a story with interesting characters. And I think most importantly—this has been a big factor in most of the writing that I do—I mean, more than anything, winter is such a factor in the Midwest. Cold, and isolation, and struggling against the cold; I think that it’s very compelling.

I had a poet named Jan Chronister—she lives in Wisconsin—who came in to guest-teach my class, and I remember her saying something to the effect of, we know a lot about death because every year, we witness everything die and then come back to life. I think that’s an incredibly powerful experience to have that shapes us in the Midwest, and it’s unique. It’s something that others might not think deeply about or identify with, but it’s something that’s important to us. If that results in us being snubbed from the publishing industry, then I guess…so be it.


LC: I was wondering if you could shed any insight or advice to someone like me, hoping to publish some of my writing in the future—whether that’s tomorrow or in ten years down the line?

DS: This is something that I tell my students on the last day of class. I lost my father a few years ago and this is what he said to me. He would say it in the context of my writing and publishing life, but also my professional life. He said, “Darci, just keep going. Don’t let anything stop you. You just have to keep going.” After he passed, I had other people randomly read my work and then say that to me, and it was very bizarre. But if I have any advice, it’s that. Writing is lonely, it’s full of rejection and disappointment at times, but if you want to succeed, you have to keep going, and you have to keep trying, and you cannot let yourself get discouraged by outside forces. There’s always going to be someone who doesn’t like what you’re doing or doesn’t think it’s good, but for everyone that doesn’t like it, there’s going to be another person who appreciates it. You just have to stay focused on your craft, stay committed to your writing practice, and you just have to keep going. That’s my advice.


Visit to purchase your copy of The Ballad of Two Sisters and check out her other works!

Picturing the Past: New Book Highlights Rich Eau Claire History

When driving around Eau Claire, the attentive observer may notice the aging architectural remnants of a once-emerging industrial city: an abandoned sanatorium, a funeral home along the Chippewa River, a historic “cottage style” gas station. Over the years, a few such structures have been updated to fit with the rest of the modern-day scenery, though much of the history of these buildings (and those no longer standing) is preserved by way of photographs archived at the Chippewa Valley Museum.  

Jodi Kiffmeyer and Diana Peterson work at the Chippewa Valley Museum as the archivist and editor/assistant curator, respectively.  Together, they collaborated to research and write a book using a small fraction of the 27,000 photos in the museum’s collection. Reflections of Eau Claire: A Photo History of the City, 1870-1998, is the product of extensive research that combines historical photographs with short descriptions of related events and people. 

“Jodi and I work really well together because we like very different eras...So, Jodi’s really into the 1880s through the 1920s, and I’m more into the 1930s through the 1960s.”
— Diana Peterson, editor and assistant curator

“Jodi and I work really well together because we like very different eras,” Peterson says. “So, Jodi’s really into the 1880s through the 1920s, and I’m more into the 1930s through the 1960s.” Their passion can be seen on every page of the book, from Eau Claire’s beginnings as a lumber town to the development of industry and downtown entertainment. Iconic landmarks like The Joynt and the Hollywood Theatre are included in its pages, along with surprising historical facts. “If you’ve only been here the last ten years, you have absolutely no idea of the history of [The Joynt] regarding guests and the unbelievable jazz musicians that came to Eau Claire and performed here,” Peterson says.

In addition to the included photographs, Kiffmeyer and Peterson found other sources to help tell the stories of iconic buildings. One of the more interesting sources is Ralph Owen, an Eau Claire resident in the first half of the 1900s. “Ralph Owen was a guy who grew up in Eau Claire, and he had copious notes of what went on in Eau Claire, [including] a couple thousand pages of a manuscript that were donated to the archives,” Kiffmeyer says. “That’s where I get a lot of information.” Even the city directories lack a lot of the information that residents like Owen have otherwise documented.

Many of these buildings included in the book can no longer be found standing in Eau Claire. However, their stories are preserved in other ways, often through the work of volunteers or people passionate about preservation. “[In] a lot of ways this book is the story of success, and what you might call failure of people trying to preserve the history of Eau Claire,” Kiffmeyer says. The Soo Depot, destroyed in 1997, was an important stop for train routes through Eau Claire but no longer had a use as demand for public transportation waned. Its legacy is now preserved through photos and records kept by the history museum even though the building is no longer standing. The Depot occupied the S Dewey and Eau Claire streets, near the L.E. Phillips Public Library.

Despite having so many sources of information to draw from, much of the information had to be left out to present the photos effectively. “For a lot of these [photos] I could have written three or four times as much as I did,” Kiffmeyer says. “This is just scratching the surface of some of these stories.” Kiffmeyer and Peterson view this as a great opportunity for those interested in local history to support the Chippewa Valley Museum since a membership allows access to the entirety of its archive for Eau Claire and further information on each picture in the book. 

Reflections of Eau Claire: A Photo History of the City, 1870-1998, is available for purchase through the Chippewa Valley Museum’s website, and members can get an additional 10% off through the Museum store. Take some time to reflect on the rich history of Eau Claire by picking up a copy today.

New Publication Brings Comics to the Spotlight

credit: vlacollective

Chaya Gritton

As a kid, I devoured comics faster than I devoured candy. I loved sitting in a hammock reading Calvin and Hobbes until my mom yelled out for me to come inside for dinner. Calvin’s adventures with Hobbes the funny tiger always brightened my day. A new publication, Other Strangeness , hopes to inspire that same connection to comics and bring them to the forefront again. Frank Fucile, a member of the UWEC English Department who specializes in genre literature, is the managing editor of Other Strangeness. After growing concerned by the lack of newspaper space for comics, he wanted to create a publication that put comics back in the spotlight. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Frank to get to know more about the publication and the non-profit organization, Visual Literary Arts Collective, that started it. Read on to learn more about Other Strangeness an international comic zine with roots right here in Chippewa Valley.

Chaya Gritton: What is the Visual Literary Arts Collective? 

Frank Fucile: We are a relatively loose collection of individuals from potentially all over the world, but generally focused in North America. At the same time, we are recognized by the IRS and the Wisconsin government as a non-profit business entity. I envision it as a union of all people who write or draw in the whole world, but that’s of course crazy. The point is that it is open. We have a core of people who are in Eau Claire who are dealing with a lot of stuff. And so far, we’ve been doing our printing here. However, we do have two other nodes of activity in Toronto and Philadelphia…One important thing is that when we agree to publish work, we do not buy a copyright, we buy a license to print the work. So, artists can keep their work up on their websites. The idea is that the organization isn’t supposed to own any intellectual property, it’s just there to get the work out. It exists for the charitable purpose of funding artists and writers.  

CG: How do you pick the artists that get published in Other Strangeness?

This first magazine was supposed to be something that could appeal to all ages, that was interesting enough, and was independent in its mindset.
— Frank Fucile, managing editor for Other Strangeness

FF: Well, we’ve only gone through one issue so far, so at this point it’s based on my taste just because I’m the managing editor for it. As we have other publications that come up those will basically be based on those peoples’ tastes. But it’s not that simple because we have a very particular type of magazine that we are trying to put out here. This first magazine was supposed to be something that could appeal to all ages, that was interesting enough, and was independent in its mindset. I wanted to get somebody that was relatively a big name on board for us early on and that ended up being Tom Tomorrow. He was big in syndication I would say during the George W. Bush administration—that’s sort of where he hit his peak. I was a big fan of his. He used to be syndicated in almost every independent weekly across the country… He loved the idea of having a new venue and he agreed to get on board.  

CG: Is there a specific takeaway you want the Eau Claire community to get from this publication? 

FF: I think that this publication looks way beyond Eau Claire in that the VLAC is an international organization already. This is going to be our flagship publication for VLAC wherever it’s going to come out. While the people who contributed to it are from all over, there’s a core of people who are producing this thing that are homegrown right here and are envisioning this as something that can uniquely come out of this place. Maybe not just this place, but places like this…What I would hope to hear from the Eau Claire community more than anything else is a resounding yes. A resounding sense of this being our opportunity to preserve and improve on an art form that honestly the older generations are just letting disintegrate. For example, there’s so many weird and random things we are the epicenter of, such as horseradish or hardware stores. If we as a community step up, this could be another weird thing that we could be at the epicenter of. But honestly, it’s a question of supporting the thing. What we really need is sponsors and advertisers.  

CG: Where can one pick up a copy of Other Strangeness? 

FF: Right now, we have sold out or more or less given out all our copies. Basically, I sent it out to all the places I could. We should still have a rack of them at Revival Records, they are so far our first advertiser who’s signed on. We’ll probably have them available at other places as well, generally when new ones come out, I’ll put them on Volume One racks. They are also available at Clairemont Comics. 

CG: How can one best support Other Strangeness? 

FF: You can subscribe to our Patreon, and we’ll mail it out to you when the next one comes out. You can find us on Instagram at vlacollective. That’s how you can keep up with us. When the next issue comes out in October it’ll be all over the place. If I get some more money from a sponsor, we’ll do another run of issue number one before then. If you sign up on the Patreon you won’t ever miss anything.   

Sneak Away For A Day of Writing at This Year’s Writers Retreats

Laura Carew

Mark your calendars for your favorite morning-to-night writers retreat, coming to you in October and January!

Packed with like-minded writers, food, and an end-of-day live reading, the upcoming 12-Hour Writers Retreat is planned for Saturday, October 28. Tucked in the heart of downtown at Eau Claire’s very own Forage, host and writer-in-residence Nickolas Butler will lead participants through workshops and freewriting sessions. Registration opened on September 11, and spots filled quickly, but the live reading at 7 p.m. is free and open to the public—you’ll still be able to get a taste of the goings-on.

Don’t get too discouraged if you didn’t snag a spot for October’s retreat. We’ll be back on January 27 with YA author Nicole Kronzer hosting our winter retreat.

If you haven’t heard of this all-day event, or whether you’ve been on the fence about joining the fun, here’s your sign. We writers are constantly bogged down by the weight of everyday responsibilities—and that pesky thing called writer’s block—thus making it hard to schedule time for uninterrupted writing.

This is what our Writers Retreat is all about! When it feels impossible to get any work done amidst the busyness of life, the Writers Guild hopes to make it easier to turn your mind off about your outside life and awaken your writing brain without any interruptions.

While the weather starts cooling off and the cozy writing days get nearer, we’re already looking ahead to our January retreat, with Nicole Kronzer as its host. You might recognize Kronzer from her debut YA novel, Unscripted, or her most recent release, The Roof Over Our Heads.

“There’s nothing quite like a writer’s retreat for me to realize how many times per hour I get interrupted at home. A twelve-hour writer’s retreat, on the other hand, eliminates those distractions.”
— Nicole Kronzer

“There’s nothing quite like a writer’s retreat for me to realize how many times per hour I get interrupted at home,” Kronzer writes. “A twelve-hour writer’s retreat, on the other hand, eliminates those distractions.”

Our retreat is meant to foster those writing skills throughout the entire day without the possibility of getting pulled away and risking the loss of inspiration. Surrounded by writers and like-minded individuals, it’s the perfect spot to let yourself sink into the creative flow that produces your best work.

The retreat will start at 9 a.m., with guided writing exercises, plenty of freewriting time, supportive workshops, and a live showcase reading at the end of the night. “Take a day and prioritize yourself and your art,” Kronzer says. “See you there!”

We hope you can join us and put yourself and your writing at the front of your mind, if only for a day. Stay tuned for when registration opens in December!

“Goodbye, UWEC”: Voices of the 2023 Graduating Class

Credit: Khill Photography

Atalissa Wells

As the weather turns warmer and the calendar shifts to May, the students on the UW-Eau Claire campus flock outside. There’s a buzz of impending summer, of free time and no homework, and the sun that we’ve all desperately missed over the past few months of winter. There’s also the buzz of the graduating class, picking up their graduation cap and gown, submitting their last essay, taking their last test. A series of lasts that snuck up on them.

 As a third-year student who is graduating a year early, my lasts came up on me a lot faster than I had expected. We returned from spring break and suddenly there were only six weeks left. I remember staring at myself in the mirror thinking, surely, this is not the face of someone who is ready for the real world.

I do not have a post-graduation plan. I will be walking across that stage on May 20th, accepting my diploma, and then figuring it out as I go. It’s a terrifying feeling; this freefall into adulthood and the real world. Lately, my mantra has been, “I do not know what I’m doing”, which I’m learning is actually a mantra for most people, no matter how put together they seem.

Despite this, I know that I’ve made the most of my time here at UW-Eau Claire. Majoring in English with an emphasis in creative writing and minoring in Spanish, I’ve been able to pursue the things that I’m most interested in. I also became involved in the Navigators, a campus ministry organization, and started working for the University Activities Commission (UAC), planning events for campus. I’ve volunteered through the Eau Claire school district and through campus and have met some of the most amazing people through it all. I think, as the graduation date looms ahead of us, it’s important to focus on the great times that Eau Claire has brought the graduating class of 2023.

 With that in mind, I interviewed other graduating seniors, asking them this question: What is something that Eau Claire has taught you?

 Connor Garland, an economics major, focused on “the value of community”, which a lot of other Blugolds supported.

 For example, Jordan Retting, who is studying accounting, management, entrepreneurship, finance, and kinesiology, stated “that you can build a community wherever you are.”

 Isaac Gabriel, a percussion performance major, also supported the community sentiment. “The support you can give your community and what the community can give you,” he says. “It’s important.”

 Noucee Thao, majoring in psychology with a minor in family studies, addressed the continuous impact of a strong community. “I will take away so much from my time here at UWEC,” she says, “but the things that will always reign supreme are the people and places that have cultivated my success, as they will continue to live within me. 

 Victoria Essmann, a percussion performance major, spoke about how her four years at UW-Eau Claire has equipped her to create healthy, strong relationships within a community. “It has provided a platform for me to learn how to reach out to others successfully and realize how needed it is in my life.” 

 Community has been a large aspect of many graduating seniors’ lives, including my own. Starting college during the pandemic created challenges, especially with trying to build relationships in a new area. I had to get creative with how I made my community and pushed myself out of my comfort zone to get involved in things like the Navigators, UAC, the Chippewa Valley Writers Guild internship, and my volunteer opportunities. I’ve met some of my life-long friends here at UWEC, and I can always find friendly faces on campus.

 Another theme prevalent in seniors’ responses was centered around the opportunities that UWEC has provided them with.

 Grace Schutte, a double major in English-creative writing and Spanish, says “the two departments I’ve interacted with have taught me to get involved with the community and be curious. For the English department, getting involved with your craft, there’s so much you can do. With the Spanish department, that opened it up to a much bigger frame, like other countries, cultures, and ways of life.”

 Quincy Kabe, a double major in accounting and finance, focused on Eau Claire’s emphasis to [AND]. “It’s taught me about the importance of taking the advantage of opportunities,” he says. “The power of [AND] thing was tacky coming in, but I’ve learned a lot from it, like adding a major, to being an athlete, an RA, doing an internship, and a job.”

 Jack Stewart, an accounting major addresses the multiple aspects in which he has grown. “Eau Claire has taught me to be a more well-rounded individual. Be it from my positions in UAC to Greek life I have been able to become a more dynamic person,” he says. “I feel that I have a very business-first mentality…but being able to facilitate events like homecoming or volunteering for my fraternity has helped me gain other perspectives. I think going to Eau Claire forces you to develop other skills and even if you have strengths, you will gain new ones while here.”

 Ella Baudek, an integrated strategic communications and public relations major with a minor in multimedia communications, commented on how UWEC has taught her to take a chance on herself. “What I mean by this is, when there were times that I felt under qualified or unsure about something new (classes, jobs, involvement, etc.), I learned that it’s important to take a chance on that opportunity and utilize it to its fullest potential,” she says. “You’ll never know what you’re capable of until you try.”

UW-Eau Claire’s main motto is the power of [AND], and the school truly ensures that this is taken advantage of. I was able to pursue multiple interests, and even discovered new ones. For example, I studied abroad in Valencia, Spain during the summer of 2022. Living in another country was never something I thought I would do, but my Spanish minor and the opportunities that Eau Claire provides for the students made it possible. I have a new-found appreciation for the Spanish language and my own confidence in what I’m capable of. Even my internship with the Guild was an opportunity that pushed me outside of my comfort zone but closer toward my future career goals. While I’m graduating without a plan, I feel confident in my abilities as a writer and as a person to figure something out. Eau Claire has opened so many doors and helped shape me into someone is embracing the uncertainty of the future, instead of shying away from it.

 Even with feeling like I’ve utilized many experiences offered to me by the university, it can still be nerve-wracking heading into a new phase of life. It’s change, and I’ve yet to meet someone who genuinely enjoys change.
— Atalissa Wells

 Even with feeling like I’ve utilized many experiences offered to me by the university, it can still be nerve-wracking heading into a new phase of life. It’s change, and I’ve yet to meet someone who genuinely enjoys change. The unknown is scary, regardless of how prepared we feel to face it. However, multiple seniors stated that UWEC has prepared them for the next steps of their lives and are looking forward to the post-graduation adventure of figuring things out.  

 Dawson Jollie, an English-creative writing major with a minor in journalism, says that Eau Claire taught him “to accept the nervousness, the nervous feeling in your heart, to accept that more often.” He learned that the feeling of being nervous led him to many great opportunities, like an internship with Volume One and his post-graduation plans. The outcome is worth being nervous, not something to stop you from trying.

 Colton Weitzel, a graphic communications major, is looking towards the larger picture, the multiple areas that UWEC encouraged him in. UW-Eau Claire “has taught me so many things about academic success, career readiness, and personal growth,” he says. “I am very proud of the person that UWEC has helped shape me to be.”

 Claire Bradley, an English-creative writing major with a business management minor, focused on her own career readiness. “It’s nice that they give us resources to help us find jobs. I feel like I’d be pretty lost applying for jobs if it weren’t for my internship and the ENGL 498 class,” she says. “Each department works towards the goal of preparing students for jobs.”

 While I may not have a plan in place for myself, I am leaving feeling equipped to take on life outside of college. I’ve spent the past semester writing articles about writing and books (and have loved every second of it). I’ve spoken with career counselors and favorite professors about what achieving my dreams might look like. My classes have challenged me and encouraged me. My writing portfolio is practically bulging at the seams and will only continue to grow. I have skills that round me out as a person, from social media experience to speaking Spanish and everything in between.

 And, perhaps most importantly, I have a community behind me who will support me. Professors who are only an email away, ready and willing to read pieces or write letters of recommendations. My employers and mentors who have taught me so much about who I am. My friends, who, regardless of distance, will always be there for me. So, when I stand in the mirror, thinking that I’m not ready or repeating my mantra, I will remember that UWEC has prepared me and provided me with a village of people who will support every misstep and every success.

 When you go to college, you create a new community, a new family, to surround yourself with. As my fellow graduating seniors can attest to, the community, the opportunities, and the resources have shaped many of us into well-rounded people who are ready to go out into the world. While that doesn’t mean we aren’t nervous about what’s waiting for us, it does mean that UW-Eau Claire has given us a few years that have impacted us profoundly and prepared us for whatever is next.

The Future of Writing: The Potential for AI To Benefit Writers Rather Than Replace Them

McKenna Dutton

Over Christmas break, I heard about this new AI called ChatGPT. It’s a natural language processing tool driven by AI. To use it, you need only to Google it, create an account, and then make ChatGPT take on the heavy lifting from there. Ask any question from “What should I do today?” to “Write me a 500-word essay” and AI will provide you a written answer. I think I asked ChatGPT to give me book recommendations and as soon as it answered it weirded me out. I immediately logged off the account and hoped to never interact with it again.

            Unquestionably, ChatGPT has the potential to change the way writers write. What does it mean for the future of writing?

            I started my search by digging into how AI can affect story writing. Not specifically ChatGPT but other software that is used to help students, teachers, or anyone interested in learning how to write. I found an article from April 2023 that was published by the Springer Journal and was authored by four researchers: Xiaoxuan Fang, Davy Ng, Jac Leung, and Samuel Chu.

            “…people have encountered various challenges when writing their digital stories. First, people lack creativity and fail to brainstorm story settings (e.g., characters, time, place), themes attempted, and consequences, climax and resolution,” the authors state.

AI can benefit writers rather than replace them
— McKenna Dutton

            Writers know the frustration of staring endlessly at a blank page in search of perfect words. This article argues that this frustration can be minimized with a little help from AI. AI can benefit writers rather than replace them. The once tedious routine of staring at the blank page can now be relieved with an AI co-author.

            “Nowadays, many story authoring software, story animation, and storytelling tools are empowered by AI, which helps users generate suggestions to write parts of or even a fully coherent story,” the article continues. “It helps users to produce story settings (e.g., storylines, plots, characters), analyze and generate sentences, and paragraphs, and adapt to writing styles….”

            You might not even realize you’re using smaller versions of this kind of AI. Grammarly is a commonly used writing assistant that helps with spelling, and sentence structure, and can even check for plagiarism. And even though the idea of AI seems scary, the authors argue, AI seems to be making a positive outcome for writers.

            “Writers can ask the AI to create suggestions or ideas based on specific vocabulary or phrases. We can see that AI has made significant contributions to collaborating with human writers to generate stories…” the authors note.

            While the human author and AI co-author can produce great results, there’s something about a human author that an AI system can never fully capture. The human spirit. It’s cheesy, sure (and perhaps an AI co-author could help me alleviate some of that cheese), but the truth is that human readers rely on human writers to help them find solace in words. The swooning feeling of when the two main love interests finally fall for each other, the intrigue of reading any mystery or true crime novel, and the understanding and empathy that comes from reading incredible true stories. AI systems can never connect emotionally with readers like a human author.

            What will be the future of writing? I think it will lead to a human author and an AI co-author writing partnership. While there is nothing like the pure emotion a human author can create, most authors would appreciate a little help from AI that can work with the tedious side of writing: the endless spell checks, typos, and sentence structure. The future of writing will be different, but maybe it doesn’t have to be as intimidating as we think.

Friendship, Art, and Honoring Your Seasons: In Conversation with Toya Wolfe

Elan Mccallum

In her debut novel, Last Summer on State Street, Toya Wolfe chronicles four friends experiencing the life-changing summer the Chicago Housing Authority demolishes their neighborhood and how they must reckon with the fallout years later. Poignant and engaging, it was named a 2023 PEN/Open Book Award finalist, a Stephen Curry Underrated Literati Book Club Pick, and a Best Book of Summer by Good Housekeeping, Chicago Magazine, The St. Louis Post Dispatch, Chicago Tribune, Veranda, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Publishers Weekly, and more–-and did I mention that the paperback is coming out? It’s been a busy year for Toya.

And things haven’t slowed down yet. Fresh from the Merky Books Literature Festival in the UK, Toya took a moment to let me ask some questions while preparing for an event in Eau Claire.

Elan Mccallum: So the first question I had is about your portrayal of girlhood friendship. It was so authentic and really resonated with me. Were there friendship dynamics in your own life that inspired this–did you mine those kinds of dynamics from your life or was this something that you drew from other spheres of your life, other people?

Toya Wolfe: Yeah, I have always been a part of so many different friends circles–I joke that I'm a floater. I am so extroverted, which is not typical of most novelists. But when I think back to my childhood, I always had a group of girlfriends. And I wanted to explore in this book the dynamics of friendship–what it's like to have one friend and then you and that one person do everything together. What it's like when you invite someone into this duo, you become a trio. Sometimes with that things can fall apart. In this specific story it just so happens that the person who's doing all this inviting is Fe Fe. Her friend Precious is real chill, she's a Christian–she's very inviting. She's trying to be like Jesus and just kind of welcome people in. And they have a friend who is not going to behave that way when they invite a fourth person in. So I wanted to explore the dynamics of friendship and how private a group of friends can be–and what kind of happens when you've got people in the friend group who don't really like each other very much. So you'll see a whole lot of those dynamics of what it means to have a best friend and then if those best friends are going to share or if they're going to just be total jerks about it.

EM: Yeah, I mean, trying to balance an already developed friendship while developing a whole new friendship–especially within a group–can be so tenuous because things are shifting, right? 

TW: And also think about places like a housing project, right? You think those people are poor, but there are levels to it. You've got people who–because their family is a part of the neighborhood gang that gives them a kind of like hood royalty–they have status. And then what does that mean for them to be friends with somebody who doesn't have that level of status. So there’s all this different socio-economic stratification. And imagine when you smash some people together who feel, you know, “I'm cooler than this person,” or “You shouldn't be breathing the same air as me”--that happens even amongst people who don't have a lot of money.

EM: If you have potential friends who are scattered across these different socio-economic strata, then there are different levels of personal and emotional development. One of the things that really jumped out at me at the beginning of the book was this sort of  retrospective observation. And that was, “We didn't know then that the practice of burying emotions created adults who struggled to build meaningful relationships. Some of us would eventually completely forget how to access true feelings.” So was this an observation that you knew from the beginning that you would include, or did it come later on in edits? 

TW: I started this book so long ago, so… I feel like that's a line I added later because I have a very hands-on literary agent, and she would ask me these questions. I'd write a line, and she'd say, “Well, how does that affect these characters?” and “What do you think that means for them?” or just whatever. I feel that line came out of her pushing me, asking me a question, and then me deciding. There's this balance, right? When you're writing a story, and the narrator has distance and knows what's going to happen. You have this challenge of not telling too much, but reminding the reader that the narrator is not in that moment anymore. And this was one of those literary devices where I took the narrator and let her be in her 30s and be wise–because essentially what she's saying is that some of these folks are never going to learn how to let people in. I actually think that comes from being single and being someone who's been on the dating scene, dating guys who don't have any emotional intelligence, or they're working so hard to keep these walls up. And I imagine that somewhere in their childhood they had to put up those walls, but they never took them down. I think that's what it looks like. I think as a child you decide you're going to pretend you don't have feelings, but you do that for so long that you never come back from it. I think that's kind of where that line came from.

EM: So what was your approach writing the adult characters who struggle with meaningful relationships?

TW: For the longest time this book was just in a kid’s perspective, and everybody kept telling me “Toya, you should age them up.” People I respect–teachers, my thesis advisor–telling me if I made them older, I can do a lot more with the narration. And so for many, many years, the story was told by a 14-year-old about a time when she and her friends were 12. I'm a person who will take advice, but I'll also take a minute to digest it. So I decided to try out a draft where the narrator was older, and at the very end or close to the end, we jumped to her adult life. I think because I started this book when I was about 25 and knew very little about life, or men, or anything about writing, this book sort of grew up with me. I got wiser, my narrative got wiser. We're not the same, but I think when you're in your 30s you know a lot more than when you're like 20 years old, and definitely when you're 12 years old, right? So I think when I decided to include adult characters in this book, and when I decided to change the narrative to an adult perspective very, very late, it was… Hmm, I probably started this book in 2005, and I think it would have been about 2016 or 2017 when I decided to make the narrator in her early 30s and have chapters where characters were adults. So way, way later, I think. And yeah, by the time I started adding sort of wisdom into the book, it was stuff I already knew. I think I became wiser, and then as a writer I started making my narrator wise.

EM: It's interesting that you say that because I feel there's a lot of emphasis placed in publishing on the up-and-coming young writer. You know, they’re hot and easy-to-market. The “wunderkind.” But there are incredible writers at every age. What are your thoughts on that, being an incredibly successful writer not in your 20s? What is your experience and your thoughts on that aspect of publishing?

TW: I think this is a beautiful question, Elan, and I'm so excited to talk about this. I wanted this book published back when I was 25. But I'm 42 right now. When the book was sold, I was 41, which means the last few years of polishing the manuscript happened when I was in my late 30s, turning 40–all of that. This would not be the book that we know if I had gotten a book deal back when I was 26 years old. Even the way that we've promoted this book, the conversations I've been able to have–they're all a direct result of my work experience. I've been on the literary scene in Chicago since the year 2000. That means I've shown up for so many fiction writers, having three jobs, leaving a shift at a restaurant sweaty, and I pop up to a bookstore to hear somebody read from their debut novel. I've been in this game for over two decades, right? I've sat in so many workshops. I've paid for one-off workshops where you spend two weeks with a celebrity writer, learning everything you can. I have an MFA in Creative Writing, which means I spent years sitting in workshops, getting stuff torn down and built up. I studied with Audrey Niffenegger, and that's because I went to school when she just happened to have left the art department and moved to the fiction department. I just think so many stars had to align for this manuscript to have this much wisdom in it from other people. For me to watch other writers and their careers. Famous writers showing up to empty bookstores, and then me asking the question, “What happened there?” so then when I set up my tour, I made sure there were 10 people who said, “Yes, I'm coming” from my inner circle to show up and have butts in the seats of these bookstores. And then if nobody else came, there were 10 people in this bookstore. So I  think we are obsessed with youth–I'm gonna go ahead and step on my soapbox right now–but what youth does not have is wisdom. Because when you've only been on earth for a couple decades, if you compare that to somebody who's in their late 30s, or in their 40s, or in their 50s, we know a lot more people. We have had a lot more marked up short stories and novels, and that makes a more well-informed, well-adjusted person. And if you can find a way to take all of that and put it in your work, I think it makes your work so much richer. And sometimes people say, “Yeah, I'm looking for ideas,” but you live and you learn and you find ways to write about it, whether it’s a memoir or fiction, whether it's essays or poetry. So, I think to answer your question, I am so glad that God did not give me what I had been begging for, which was a book deal since I was 25 years old, because I got to mine not just my life–I am a fiction writer, I did create these characters–but I lived in all the places that I write about in this book. And it's one thing to live in a place and to write about it. It's another thing to live in a place and have the distance to reflect on it, meditate on it and then write about it. 

EM: I mean, I feel like a lot of times when you're writing fiction, oftentimes the conflict is really just a question and the ending is some attempt at an answer. But if you are writing a novel, there's going to be a central question that is being asked. So then having that wisdom, that experience, the time to reflect… Would you say that is what's necessary sometimes to more effectively answer the question?

Yeah, things happen. You’ve got to work your way through the trauma, and then you’re going to process what happened.
— Toya Wolfe

TW: I think it's the time, but it's also the practice of reflecting. We don't all live examined lives. I think stuff happens to you, and then you have to think it over. It takes time to deal with the trauma of the thing that happened to you, whether it's something really major or just a terrible breakup. Yeah, things happen. You've got to work your way through the trauma, and then you're going to process what happened. And I think that we don't all have the practice of that. Of having things happen to us, acknowledging that a thing happened to us, and then trying to figure out what happened. And then the fourth step is to actually write about what happened. I didn't know how to do that when I was in my early 20s. There are a lot of young talented people. That's why you do have these debut novelists who are fresh out of the MFA programs, and they are praised for it. But I just think it's harder. Even dealing with success–it's harder if you've never experienced what it means to say no, or to understand what you as a human need. Everybody wants something from you. I think that comes with time. It comes with working. I've had so many different kinds of jobs. I had to communicate to my bosses what I think ought to be paid–or if something happens, how to sit down and really talk about how they've offended me and how we're going to move forward. There's just all these life skills that you don't even know that you don't have until you've lived for a while.

EM: Okay, this is making me think about how the personal inspires art. But I've heard a number of different writers say that while writing is art, publishing is business. What has been your experience with that? 

TW: So let's say that's mostly true. And I think one of the reasons that I've had a pleasant publishing experience is because I have communicated. I think I learned from having regular jobs. I communicated with the powers that be what my expectations were, and what my thoughts are about different things. Case in point, my contributions to the book cover. When you do final copy edits you–for lack of a better phrase–you have to fight for your words. And oftentimes the final copy edits get shipped out to someone who's not your actual editor, who doesn't know you at all. And sometimes they question you about things that you've said, or places that you've mentioned, if they can't verify with research. Like, “Are you sure about this place?” And so you have to put on really thick skin during so many phases of the publishing conversations. I didn't design the cover–there was a very brilliant artist at HarperCollins who designed the cover–but I sent a Pinterest board with colors and other covers, fonts that I liked, and kind of like the feelings that I thought would be really cool based on creating and spending years in this manuscript. I thought that there should be colors that represent the sunset on the cover because the book is really about sunsetting a neighborhood, but there's also several sunsets that the narrator witnesses herself. I also thought about little girls in the summertime, especially little Black girls. We’re wearing the brightest colors you can find, right? So this cover needs to look like it's ablaze, and that's kind of how I pitched it to them. But then, whoever you're talking to at your publisher, they have to go back and have several other conversations with people that you'll never see or you'll never meet. Those people don't know you. Oftentimes those people haven't even read your book yet. So when your editor or whomever goes back to convey your vision, they're only thinking about what they've done before and dollars essentially. And I don’t say that to demonize them–they've got a job to do, right? Every decision that's made in publishing is so that they can sell books. Before you get to that conversation, it's your job as a writer to take what's in your head and put it in the book. At that stage, you shouldn't be thinking about your cover, and you shouldn't be thinking about all these random people you're gonna have a conversation with. It's a really great case of staying in your lane. When it's time to talk business, talk business about the thing, right? Let them be business people, you are still an artist. Then when it's time for you to add the things that help them do their job better, that's where you take your artistic self and help them translate your vision so that you can sell books. Because you guys all have the same goal at that stage to sell books. And for my book specifically, people look at my cover and they want to pick it up. They're drawn to this beautiful work of art that's not even my words yet. I mean, if they did take any of your suggestions about the cover, then your vision’s on it a little bit, but it's your name and somebody else's art and the title. I think sometimes we demonize the business side. You hear a lot of people who go to a lot of conferences and they're like, “Publishing’s all about business,” and yeah, because you gotta get paid–like, we have to sell these books. But don't let them stray too far from your artistic vision and respectfully find ways to fight for what you want.

EM: That's a great point because, I mean, a business is looking at their bottom line. But of course you as a writer, the artist, you're looking out for your vision. So there's a kind of collaboration that has to occur, and you do have the same goal in mind to sell the book.

TW: There is a way to have balance. If you have industry people who are not hearing you, then it's your job to go figure out how to get them to hear you, how to speak their language. I think throwing tantrums or not saying what you feel is not helpful. You have to advocate for yourself. I've never had a job where I didn't negotiate my salary, even when I was working at a restaurant because I know my worth. And I knew it's also my employer’s job to pay me as little as they can because they have a budget that has to stretch very far or whatever. I took those skills from my regular life and used them in publishing. Like, "What is the goal we're trying to accomplish here and how do I get you to hear me?"

EM: Ooh, so you said that when you’re in your lane, you shouldn't be thinking about all the things that will happen until after you start working with the publisher. But at what point do you really get a sense that your time in your lane is coming to an end and it's time to start merging?

TW: I think once you've sold the book. Once you get industry people involved, it's time to think like them. But I think the problem is when it's just you and your computer or your story, we've got other people in the conversation who don't belong there. I have a friend who recently decided that she's going to write a story, and one of the things I'm going to drill into her head is that only you and this story exists right now. Do not share pages with no body. Okay? You don't think about who's gonna publish it. You're in a season where it's just you. You know what, I'm gonna quote CV Peterson. CV is a visual artist, right? And the two of us, our worlds of art cannot be further apart. I'm a writer. She's a painter, sculptor. Like, she's a visual artist. We get together and we talk process in a very pulled back way so that we can encourage each other and kind of have art therapy. We really are art therapy for one another. And I have been on a tour longer than I thought I would be. I was having a lot of conversations, speaking engagements, just ripping and running all over the place at a time when I thought I'd be working on my next book. January, February is always the time when I start a new thing. It's cold and stupid outside. I got my cup of cocoa, I'm writing down and looking at the snow–it's great. This year, I was traveling, I was speaking, I was exhausting myself. So I'm up visiting CV in Eau Claire, we're chatting and she's like, “Toya, the problem is you're not acknowledging that you're still in "showing season," and you're trying to go to "making season" when you're not in "making season."” She has "showing season," "making season," and "research season"–that's kind of the chunks of her artistic life. We call it book promotion or the tour or whatever, but essentially, I have been in "showing season" longer than I ever thought. And it's a privilege and it's an honor. And I have to just fall back and acknowledge that I'm not in a season where things are still and quiet and it's just me, and I can start writing my next book. People want to ask you, “What's next? What are you working on?” And no one wants to hear you say, “I'm working on telling more people about this book,” but it's real. I was in the UK because the book came out on March 23rd. I was able to go to a string of bookstores in London, and I was able to sit on a panel about girlhood. And the other folks on the panel were from London, they were from Jamaica, they were in their 60s, I'm in my 40s, and the other girl’s probably in her late 20s, if I had to guess. So whatever season you're in, you have to stay in it and honor that. Man, I forgot your original question. Why did I go off on this tangent?

EM: The question was–oh my gosh, I was just so swept up. Oh yeah! When do you know that it's time to come out of your lane?

TW: Yeah, so right now I am still technically in the publishing lane. All up in it. I have an independent publicist. I have a publicist at my American publisher, HarperCollins. I have a publicist at Penguin UK. I spend most of my time talking to publicists because we are still promoting all the versions of Last Summer on State Street. The paperback version is going to be out. So I'm still in the publishing lane right now, and I am hoping that this summer I get to come out of their world and back into my very small, quiet space, where I'm just creating and throwing a mess on the wall and being like, “Oh, I like how that's dripping!” I'm so excited because that's the stuff I love. But it's also a privilege to have a book–to still be in conversation. The book was published on June 14 of last year, and people still want to talk about it, people are still finding it. And I think for people who are writing a book there is this temptation to think about who's going to buy it. What publisher, who's the audience–all those things. But you're gonna have people whose specific job is to think about that stuff. They can't write the book–you have to write the book, you know. So that is your first lane, first and foremost. And if you decide to change lanes for a time because it's necessary, don't forget that you're gonna go back into the lane of writer. And then again, you've got to box out and keep everybody out until it's time to have to let them come over into your lane.

EM: I love that interweaving answer! But, okay, you are probably one of the most outgoing and friendly creatives–particularly a writer–that I've ever met. Being in your lane, writing your book, your story–that's just you and the chair, interacting with the page or the screen. But eventually, your creative community is going to be a part of that. You've been in the game for over 20 years. What's been your journey building a creative community? And how does your community sustain and influence your work, especially since you have an ever-expanding circle of friends? I feel like I could look away for five minutes and you've made 10 new friends. 

TW: You know what it is? I think you have to hold on to people. When I studied creative writing as an undergrad, I went to a school called Columbia College Chicago, and it was one of the only schools in the country that had a bachelor's degree in fiction writing. I always knew that this program existed, but it was in Chicago and I was trying to flee Chicago. I wanted to get out of the housing projects and get as far away from Chicago as possible. I failed, but it was a good thing. So I always knew that Columbia had an actual fiction writing major, and I was so fascinated by that. I would be in workshops, and I would always pay attention to who got excited. Because in our program you had to actually write in your notebook in class, and then you would read a little bit of it back. So over the course of 16 weeks you really get to know somebody’s work really well. You're like, “Oh, we're back to that same monster.” You will look up and see whose eyes are twinkling when you're reading your stuff. And those are the people you want to stay in touch with because they get what you're trying to do and are excited about it. I learned early on that you need to grab a few writers who are going to make up your sort of writing community. Maybe you'll be in a workshop with them, or maybe sometimes you'll talk process with them on a break. You'd be sharing, “Yeah, I'm really struggling with this character. I just don't like them.” And I think I learned in childhood about friendship–when you connect with people, you should keep them. I think when I started studying writing, it became that you need to figure out which writers you want to hold on to. I have a mentor friend who jokes that my life is full of these concentric circles of friends and community, and it's because I don't let good people go. Whether they are creatives or just folks who have a similar faith tradition. It’s just the practice of holding on to good people that I learned a long time ago, and I sort of apply it to my creative life as well.

EM: That's a powerful way of being. That's not just art-sustaining, that's life-sustaining.

TW: Yeah, yeah. I think now that I have a book out, there are people who genuinely are cheering me on because they know I showed up for them but also know this is a big deal. I've been working on it for a long, long time, and they're all “Look at you go!” and they're informed cheerleaders. They're not just here for the magic of it all. They're saying, “Man, this woman–she held onto this book forever!” I mean, I have friends who had a book they worked on for a while and they set it aside and started a new thing. But for some reason, I just decided to keep hammering away at this thing obsessively. So, people know my story. They know this. I started a long time ago, and a lot of them have read drafts, they've given me notes. A lot of them are on my acknowledgments page because it's been such a journey. I've kept some of the same people, but along the way I picked up some new folks too. 

EM: I remember the first time I read any of your words, I had never met you in person. In fact, I don't think I met you until months after. I was staying at Envisage Retreat for one weekend, and when I walked in, I saw the “They landmarks” quote and asked, “Who wrote that?” because I thought it was so powerful. And CV said, “Oh, that's from my friend Toya. She's from Chicago. She's working on this manuscript,” and I knew I had to read it. From then to now, it's been so incredible to see you come along and blow up!

TW: And Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls–these towns have been such an important part of the creation of this book. Because since 2018, I've been coming up just to work on it in the winter. It's sort of full circle.

Join Toya Wolfe for a reading and conversation Thursday, May 4 at 6:30 PM at the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library.

"What Did You Do Yesterday?" A New Publication that Takes a Look at Yesterday

Atalissa Wells

With the growing social media presence prevalent in society, it’s easy to believe that we hold previews of others’ lives in our hands. We think that the Instagram post, Facebook update, Twitter tweet, or TikTok video provides the full story. The truth is that social media doesn’t even come close to what happens in people’s lives. But what if there was a way to see the mundane moments of artists, athletes, writers and more? Their moments of yesterday.

Elizabeth de Cleyre, an Eau Claire resident who is the Prose Editor for Barstow & Grand and helped launch Dotters Books, has started a new quarterly interview series called Yesterday Quarterly, a print publication that can be purchased at the Read Write Books website. This publication is an accumulation of yesterdays, with four issues being released each year.

De Cleyre developed the idea following a writing workshop in which the instructor recommended she read Peter Hujar’s Day, an interview conducted between Linda Rosenkrantz and her friend, Peter Hujar, asking him to record everything he did for a day. “It was a lovely little snapshot in time and I loved reading it,” de Cleyre says. She had been wanting to do an interview series but had yet to find the thread that would tie the interviews together. “I’m more interested in the process, the mundane and day-to-day,” she says. “So when I read Peter Hujar’s Day, I was like this is such a cool idea for an interview series.”

Then came the process of figuring out how this idea would work. She started with an interview with Soren Staff, lead singer of Them Coulee Boys, a folk-rock band based in Eau Claire. Staff’s yesterday will be the first issue published. The second interview was with Bianca Valenti, a big wave surfer located in San Francisco who has advocated for and won equal pay for men and women in surfing. Valenti’s yesterday will be released as the second issue.

“There’s a certain level of excellence, but it’s the commitment to the process that I admire.”
— Elizabeth de Cleyre

De Cleyre hopes to capture the yesterdays from a broad range of people, not just artists or athletes like Soren Staff and Bianca Valenti, respectively. Regardless of whose yesterday the publication is about, each piece will follow the same format, picking a day and tracking it. Capturing their yesterday. Ultimately, the issues will be about “people who are passionate about what they do,” she says. “There’s a certain level of excellence, but it’s the commitment to the process that I admire.” De Cleyre hopes to capture the small moments that lead up to their successes.

When de Cleyre mentioned her idea to a friend in the early planning stages of this project, he commented that she needed to interview normal people too, not just those who stand in the spotlight. However, de Cleyre believes that this “undermines the idea that artists and athletes and writers are not normal people, and they don’t deal with things like time management or daily stressors with their job or family,” she says.  “That’s also part of it, is demystifying what anyone does in a given day.”

This project of documenting what someone does in a day has been a year-long process, full of experimenting with publication format and interviews. Soren Staff’s issue will be published almost a year after his interview, with other interviews occurring closer to their release date. “It becomes a kind of time capsule,” de Cleyre says. “I love that idea of the conversations happening quickly and then coming out or conversations happening years before and then being released.”

Yesterday is a measure of time that has already happened. And quarterly is a measure of time that continues to happen. So I liked that juxtaposition.”
— Elizabeth de Cleyre

This time capsule publication challenges not only what we think we know about people, but also our concept of time. With the ironic title of Yesterday Quarterly, de Cleyre places two contradictory measurements of time together. “Yesterday is a measure of time that has already happened,” she says. “And quarterly is a measure of time that continues to happen. So I liked that juxtaposition.” This print publication provides readers with a chance to peer into the yesterdays of other people, realizing that we are all “normal” people, with our own successes and failures, big moments and small ones.

Yesterday Quarterly was launched on April 22nd at Zine Fest in Milwaukee. The first issue can be purchased here as a one-time issue purchase or a yearly subscription, which includes an enamel pin. You can also follow their Instagram and keep updated on what Yesterday Quarterly is up to. There will be a launch party in Indianapolis, which is where Read Write Books, the publishing company that is releasing Yesterday Quarterly, is located. There will hopefully be another launch party in Eau Claire to celebrate life’s moments. Purchase your copy or subscription today,  and enjoy a look back at yesterday.  

"Kuv Yog Hmoob": Coming Together To Celebrate Hmong Writers and Storytellers

McKenna Dutton

What makes a writer? Is it the number of words they write? The stories they tell? The number of rejections they get? I think writers are those courageous enough to proclaim that they are one. For S.Z. Putnam, her love for writing blossomed through reading. At the age of eight or nine, she had read almost the entirety of books in her house. Reading helped her feel seen, heard, and inspired. Witnessing others who achieved the dream of publishing made it seem possible for her.

S.Z. Putnam hopes to bring that same inspiration to the Hmong community of writers in Eau Claire. On May 6th at 2:00 PM, in partnership with the Eau Claire Area Hmong Mutual Assistance Association, she will host “Kuv Yog Hmoob (I Am Hmong): Hmong Writers and Storytellers”, an event celebrating and showcasing Hmong writers and storytellers in our community and beyond. I recently had the chance to chat with S.Z. about writing, community, and the Kuv Yog Hmoob event.

McKenna Dutton: Can you share a bit about your background in writing?

S.Z Putnam: I was one of those kids who had a very active imagination. I absolutely loved reading. Anything I could read I was reading. I think I had read all the books in my house by the time I was eight or nine. I am a first generation born child of my parents here in the U.S. and I just realized that I would never pursue a career in journalism because I was never going to leave town. Because I could never leave my parents behind. Giving up writing is what I thought I needed to do to “grow up.” I’ve come full circle and I feel like writing is something that I was meant to do. I’ve always been passionate about it and what I’m hoping for is to show other young writers, or just any writer that may feel like they can’t have a voice in this space that they can. I want to help champion that and leave some footprints behind for them.”


MD: Tell me more about the structure of this event.

S.Z: I was a part of another event that I thought was amazing. We had a bunch of Chinese individuals that were here reading poetry and it was really in that space that I was really able to connect with so many of them.  [BJ Hollars] said, “Why don’t we host something?” I just jumped on it because there’s something about wanting to connect with other individuals and kind of wanting to lead them. Because when I started writing again about two years ago, my biggest fear was: “It’s been so long. I haven’t written anything in so long. What if I’m not any good anymore? I’m not saying anything people want to hear. How do I judge myself amongst my peers?” It’s a terrifying thing to put your work out there and have people you know judge it much less strangers judge it. That for me was really huge and I’m just hoping that by hearing my story and how I felt about my own writing I hope it really gives them hope that they have words that need to be heard. That needs to be shared and it’s only through the sharing of our words as humans that we really can realize how much more similar we are than we are different.


MD: What is your intention for this event?

I would love to showcase the talent we have in the Eau Claire area, you know, especially with the Hmong community. Because we are a people of folklore, stories, and everything in my culture has been passed through language forever.
— S.Z. Putnam

S.Z: I’m hoping to get writers out. I’m hoping that they see other writers like themselves. That they can see themselves as each of these writers come out and share either pieces of themselves or of other people. I just hope they feel inspired to write more or they bring a friend along who’s maybe a closeted writer or journals, and that that individual starts to do something. I would love to showcase the talent we have in the Eau Claire area, you know, especially with the Hmong community. Because we are a people of folklore, stories, and everything in my culture has been passed through language forever. Because our written language is fairly new, and they’re all in American letters, and they were never like that before because our language was destroyed. I know we have a lot of storytellers out there because our ancestors were storytellers. We just have to get them there.” 


MD: What do you hope your audience gets out of this event?

S.Z: I tend to write about trauma, mental health, and healing. Those are things I touch on a lot because generational trauma is a huge thing. My parents grew up in wartime. They came to the U.S. with barely anything while carrying all these images of trauma with them. I just want their voices to be heard. I want the kids growing up who don’t think they are Hmong enough and don’t know if they are American enough, I want them to know that their voices are heard. And that we are just like them and there is compassion in this world. Even with so much division, there is so much love to be found. I would love to bridge that somehow and if I can do it with my writing then that’s how I’m going to do it. If I can inspire others to do it too, that would help me push this movement. I think it’s also so important for this community, which has a fairly large Hmong population, to know that there is beauty in being different and there is beauty in sharing different cultures, different viewpoints, and different words.

 “Kuv Yog Hmoob (I Am Hmong): Hmong Writers And Storytellers” will take place on May 6th from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. at the Eau Claire Area Hmong Mutual Assistance Association. Come and join to celebrate Hmong writers! For additional information about the event, click here!


Rediscovering Family: Behind-the-scenes of "Searching for Mike Teclaw: An Unauthorized Biography"

By McKenna Dutton

For some, “family” has an enduring meaning. For others, “family” might feel distant. Whether your family is blood or found, everyone needs one and it’s nice to know where you come from. That’s what motivated the Eau Claire writer-in-residence Ken Szymanski to learn about his late grandfather Mike Teclaw. Before Szymanski was born his grandpa Teclaw passed away. Later in life, Szymanski’s son was born around the same time his own father passed away. Szymanski knew he wanted his son to better understand his late father in the same way he wanted to better understand his late grandfather. Ken grew curious about the infamous grandfather he never knew, and over the years, he began collecting stories from family members and friends. So many that he wrote an unauthorized biography of the grandfather he never met.

“It took a long time,” Szymanski says of the project. “-My son was born sixteen years ago and that’s when I started… I thought only my relatives would be interested in this, but I showed it to someone outside of the family and she said this is really interesting. There was a more universal appeal than just my family,” Szymanski says.

Over time, Szymanski realized this story was too big to be told on the page. That’s where musician Derick Black came into the picture. Szymanski and Black met through their mutual passion for teaching. When Szymanski pitched the idea of creating his manuscript into a live reading with music, Black was skeptical.

“When Ken originally pitched the idea to me I thought, ‘“So I’m kinda like the commercial between the different acts of your story.’”

 Szymanski clarified that the music was, in fact, foundational to the story. After a bit of practice, the pair found their groove, with the words and music complementing each other.

“It’s a pretty cool marriage between the two,” Black says.

“Searching for Mike Teclaw” is a celebration of life to the people we call family. Those we know now, and those we wish we could’ve known better.

“What I’m doing with these types of stories is a form of genealogy.”
— Ken Szymanski

 “What I’m doing with these types of stories is a form of genealogy,” Szymanski says, “Instead of just the names and dates [I] find the stories behind [them]. The stories of [peoples] lives are what should be worth searching for and I hope people reflect on their own grandparents and their own ancestors… If the person isn’t around or if they never met them it’s still not too late to get to know them and discover their story,” Szymanski says.

“Searching for Mike Teclaw: An Unauthorized Biography” will be performed live on April 20th, 6:30-7:30 in the Riverview Room at the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library. Come for a great show and leave inspired to explore what family means to you.


An Unfaltering Flame of Faith: Discussing the New Book by Stephanie Nesja

 By Atalissa Wells

Life is too generous in doling out heartache. Often, it can feel like we’re constantly getting knocked down. But the important thing is how we get back up. And who helps us along the way.

For Eau Claire native Stephanie Nesja, God serves as her primary pillar of support through difficult times. Her faith journey is the subject of her debut book, Unfaltering Flame: A Linked Essay Collection, which follows her experiences after the passing of a close friend, Dave, the death of her aunt, Kathy, a mission trip to Honduras, and her father and stepmother’s divorce. Through each of these life moments, Nesja comments on her faith, the small mustard seed that remained with her during those tough moments and eventually blossomed. “I always had that faith but after my Aunt Kathy I felt my faith growing and growing,” Nesja says. “Every day God teaches me something new.”

This book began as a thesis for her master’s program at UW-Eau Claire. Through the help of her mentors, UWEC professors Molly Patterson and B.J. Hollars, she complied a collection of four essays, all centered around the same theme of reaffirming faith despite dark times. “The whole book is a lot of vulnerability,” Nesja says, “It’s about grief in so many different forms and figuring out the big Who Am I question.”

Unfaltering Flame is a testament to God’s strength during hardships. Throughout the book, Nesja comments on her struggles with faith; grappling with a lack of understanding on why bad things happen, dealing with grief and feeling lost, but despite it all, she circles back to God. Nesja’s hope for this book is that it “reaches people in a way that’s relatable and in a way to show God’s love.” In the book, she honors God, highlighting how she wrestled with her faith but acknowledges that His strength and love is what got her through it all. 

Reflecting on the finished product, Nesja acknowledges that the process of writing her book was not an easy one. “The reality of it…writing brought everything back in vivid detail so I, in a way, kind of re-grieved through them,” she says. “Even though it was cathartic it was still very difficult.”

By using her writing to process her own grief, Nesja is able to share her story with the world. “There is hope. We all go through hardships. When Dave died, I was questioning my faith, but God never left me,” Nesja says. “I was angry but there is hope and there’s joy and it’s such a deep feeling when you find God and have Him in your heart like that, that’s the feeling I want everyone to feel.”

As the book’s release date approaches, Nesja looks forward to sharing her story and how God worked through the good and the bad moments in her life.  “It’s emotional but it’s a heartwarming story,” Nesja says. “I want everyone to find hope in it.” Nesja’s book is being self-published through Amazon. The book is categorized as a nonfiction collection of essays with a Christianity theme.

The book will be available for purchase on April 28th at the Local Store, Drewmark Boutique, Jacob’s Well Church Bookstore, and Amazon. The local stores are selling the books at a discount, so support Eau Claire area local businesses. There will also be a book launch party on April 29th in the Renew Church basement from 2 pm – 5 pm with a special reading from Stephanie Nesja herself beginning at 2:45. Support this local author and look for Unfaltering Flame, available April 28th!