Midwest Artist Academy

How The Guild Inspired the Midwest Artist Academy


B.J Hollars 

If there’s one thing I’ve learned throughout my years with the Guild, it’s that change always begins with you. No, not me, but you, reader. Our Guild members have always pushed us into new and exciting directions, directions that have expanded our membership, dreamed new programs, and inspired unique retreats.

For the past five summers, I’d often find myself sitting on a porch at Cirenaica or The Priory when, inevitably, some writing retreat participant would amble over and say, “You know, it sure would be nice if young people had this sort of opportunity.”

For the past five summers, I’d often find myself sitting on a porch at Cirenaica or The Priory when, inevitably, some writing retreat participant would amble over and say, “You know, it sure would be nice if young people had this sort of opportunity.”

They were right.

Add to this the dozens of emails I’d receive annually in which parents would plead for the same thing.  “My child loves art,” they’d write.  “But we don’t know how best to support them.”

James Joyce Centre

James Joyce Centre

Fast forward to last summer, when a few friends and I had the opportunity to teach high school-aged writers in Ireland.  After a week spent roaming beaches, cemeteries, and soaking in culture wherever we could, the students put down their pens just long enough to prepare for their final reading at The James Joyce Centre.  Nerves emerged as the students revised right up until showtime, at which point they stood bravely before the mic to share the fruits of their labor.  By evening’s end, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.  As my fellow instructors and I observed the tight-knit community that had formed, we joked, “Gosh, we should really start at arts-centered high school…”

Ireland Instructors Maggie Pahos, Ban Hao, B.J. Hollars, Chris Clartigue in Inishbofin, Ireland.

Ireland Instructors Maggie Pahos, Ban Hao, B.J. Hollars, Chris Clartigue in Inishbofin, Ireland.

And then we sort of did!

Introducing The Midwest Artist Academy--a transformative precollege experience for gifted, talented, and diverse high school-aged artists from the Midwest and beyond! (Or as I like to call it: "Hogwarts with a different sort of magic.")


With offerings in five disciplines--creative writing, theatre, dance, visual arts, and music and composition--our weeklong experience on the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire campus will conclude with a culminating collaborative showcase at Pablo Center at the Confluence. Our goal: to grow as artists, and to grow as people. Click here to learn more about our amazing instructors coming to us from throughout the world!

The Guild proved that when passionate people come together in common cause, anything is possible. 

Of course, none of this would have ever come to be were it not for the Chippewa Valley Writers Guild.  The Guild proved that when passionate people come together in common cause, anything is possible.  The key is bringing those people together.  And now, Guild members can help!

How Can You Support The Next Generation Of Artists?

First and foremost, by staying in touch with the Midwest Artist Academy!  Please subscribe to our newsletter by typing your email address into the “Subscribe” bar right here on the homepage.  You can also like us on Facebook and Instagram.  By connecting with us—and extending your own connections to interested parties (high school-aged artists, as well as their parents)—we’re able to direct all money toward scholarships rather than marketing.  Word of mouth is the most powerful tool we’ve got, which means you are the greatest gift we’ve got!  Tag your friends, send personal emails, messages, texts, etc.—collectively, we can spread the word far and wide!

Second, if you’re in a position to give, please do!  Donations of any size are greatly appreciated.  Consider making in a one-time donation here or make a pledge to help us long term!  If you or your business are interested in funding a scholarship or partial scholarship, please reach out at info@midwestartistacademy.org.  For 375.00, you can sponsor a half-scholarship for a student.  For 650.00, you can sponsor a full scholarship.  You can even name the scholarship in honor of, or in memory of, someone you admire.  There are plenty of perks to those who give (in addition to changing the life of a young artist!), and you need only drop us a note to learn more!

In closing, much like the Chippewa Valley Writers Guild, please know that the Midwest Artist Academy isn't mine--it's ours. Let’s work together to support the creative economy, support local arts and artists, and support young artists dedicated to crafting a better world. By helping the MAA, you are helping young artists find their future in the arts.

Thanks to the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Foundation, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, the UWEC English Department, and Pablo Center at the Confluence. And most of all, thanks to you.