How I Found Hope This Week

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While reading the book, Welcoming the Unwelcome by Pema Chodron, I came across this quote.  “We can radiate our basic goodness from our whole body, sending it out to more and more beings—across countries, continents, and worlds—until it pervades all space.”

As I looked back on the past week I believe this is what I felt—this goodness—touching my life and many other’s lives.

Here are some examples of this goodness, kindness, concern:

  • family calling before they headed to the grocery store to see if we needed anything.

  • FaceTime with the whole family ( 14 of us)—always good for some laughter

  • Photos of the grandkids art, Lego projects, videos to keep our spirits up

  • Friends doing zoom to stay connected, phone calls ( I just wanted to hear your voice)

  • Free YouTube offerings to pray, meditate and connect

  • Emails from pastors, photos from someone doing meditation walks

  • Neighbors sharing homemade bread

  • Someone lending a lap top computer to a family without one,  for home schooling.

  • A friend, after the death of his mother, sharing a reflection of how painful it was saying goodbye through a window, but being grateful to a health care worker who wheeled her to the window so she could hear her son and daughter’s voices. The hope it brought their family that someone took the time to see the importance of this goodbye.

All of this happened just last week—I wonder how hope will show its face in the week to come?  I just need to keep paying attention, and be grateful for all of the small but not so small things.

L.H. is a 72 years old who has loved to write all his life.  As a child he journaled about happy and not so happy times.  He taught kindergarten, first and second grades in Minnesota and Wisconsin.  He is married-- 49 years in June, to someone who spoils me!!.  They have 3 children all married,  and 6 grandchildren living in the Chippewa Valley area.  He volunteers in the community on a weekly basis--many different organizations.  The one closest to his heart is Beacon House.