"Hope Is The Thing": A Community-Wide Collaborative Writing Project

Hope is the Thing.png

The Chippewa Valley Writers Guild has always been committed to connecting writers, however we can.  In this time of social distancing, we hope to do so virtually. 

To that end, today we’re pleased to announce a new community-wide collaborative writing project:

“Hope Is The Thing.” 

This project is open to all Chippewa Valley Writers Guild members and their friends.  Our goal is to provide a platform for writers to share what brings them hope in this time of crisis. 

Though our web presence generally focuses on interviews, writing advice, and event information, for the next month we hope to regularly publish creative work on this topic written by regional writers.  

May our art be the gift that helps us heal.

See below for all details related to word count, title, and how to send your submission.

Given the collaborative nature of this project, we will not consider submissions that do not conform to these guidelines.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Please send 500 words or less of original work (poem, essay, story, experience) to chippewavalleywritersguild@gmail.com as an attachment or GoogleDoc link.

  • The subject line should read: “Hope Is The Thing Submission.”

  • The topic: What gives you hope in this time of crisis?

  • Your title must conform to the following model (borrowed from Emily Dickinson): Hope Is The Thing [Insert Your Subject Here].

    • Examples: Hope Is The Thing That Blossoms, Hope Is The Thing That Moves Us, Hope Is The Thing We Do Together, Hope Is The Thing We Read.

  • Ideally, your piece would then explore/examine/celebrate/etc. that “thing” which you have selected.

  • Finally, include a brief bio (100 words or less) at the bottom of your submission.

  • By submitting your piece, you are acknowledging that the work is your own and does not infringed upon the rights or work of others.


Thank you for giving your gift. Let’s see what we’re capable of creating!