Tis the season for gratitude, and we have much to be grateful for. Most of all: you. Thanks to your generosity, over the past two years the Guild has been able to provide robust, high-impact programming for writers and literary lovers throughout the region. Our efforts have allowed us to host 12 summer retreats, a winter retreat, and a combined 6 more coming your way over the next few months! That’s well over $33,000 in economic impact!
Barstow & Grand Release Party
In addition, we’ve hosted dozens of free craft talks, sent you hundreds of free, locally written articles, and partnered with a wide array of business and organizations, from the Eau Claire Regional Arts Center and the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Foundation to Blugold Radio, Volume One, JAMF Software, Visit Eau Claire, the Chippewa Valley Book Festival, and most recently, our hot-off-the-presses community literary magazine, Barstow & Grand. Your support is what keeps this collaborative spirit alive. It’s what allows writers throughout the region to come together in common cause for the benefit of our community.
By contributing today, you ensure that this good work continues. And you send a clear message of support to the hundreds (and perhaps thousands!) of writers throughout the region that you value the way words make meaningful contributions to our lives.
Interns hard at work!
- By becoming a $5.00/month sustaining member, you allow us to pay our talented interns.
- By becoming a $10.00/month sustaining member, you ensure our craft talk series remains free.
- For $25.00/month, you support all of our programming endeavors, while also ensuring the affordability of our retreats and continued partnerships with organizations that share our mission.
By making your gift today, not only will you support our thriving literary community, but you’ll be entered to win a pair of Forage gift certificates (a $60.00 value!) as well as one of several autographed copies of recently published books by local writers of national prominence. One lucky winner, too, will be eligible for a free writing consultation with a Barstow & Grand editor.
Your donation can be made electronically here. Simply scroll down and select the “Chippewa Valley Writers Guild Monthly Sustaining Membership” campaign.
Be inspired. Inspire others. And thank you for inspiring us.
B.J. Hollars
Executive Director, Chippewa Valley Writers Guild