Scribble (9-14-16): “Falling, Falling, Falling”

Each month we’ll offer a low-stakes, writing prompt applicable to all genres. Upon completing the prompt, send your piece (500 words or less please) to for potential publication in next month’s newsletter!

Without further adieu, “Falling, Falling, Falling” ...

September is here, and with it comes one of the top four most beautiful seasons in the Chippewa Valley: Fall. The days are getting shorter, the temperatures are starting to drop (just a little), and the leaves won’t be green for much longer. Often, the transition between summer and fall happens so gradually that it’s hard to tell when one season starts and the other begins.

Write a story about the moment you know summer has turned into fall. Is it the first sight of a golden tree? A trip to the apple orchard? Or has it already passed with the first day of school?